
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 00:08:21


one day,lily went to the park by bike.On her way there,she saw two people were cpmpeting swimming,so she stopped to watch.Unexpectedly,a man took this chance and stole her bike.Lily rushed to tell the police


One morning, Lily was riding her bike to the park. She saw a swimming competition between two people, so she stopped to watch them. What she didn't realise was that at the same time a man was stealing her bike. She called the police immediately.

one day morning,Lily went to a park by bike,she saw two person were having swimming competition,so she stopt and took a look ,unfortunately her bike was stolen by a man.she called the police right away.

Lily had an unforgettable experience last Sunday.It was a sunny day,Lily rode her new pink bike to a park near her school at 11:00 in the morning.She...


Lily had an unforgettable experience last Sunday.It was a sunny day,Lily rode her new pink bike to a park near her school at 11:00 in the morning.She saw two boys having swimming match and stopped to have a look.She put her bike behind a big tree and after five minutes,a man took her bike away quietly!Lily wanted to ride her bike back but she couldn't find it anywhere.When she was looking for it anxiously,she realized that her bike was stolen.She cried sadly and called the police and told them about it.


One day morning, Lili riding her bike to the park to play, she saw two swimming competition, they stopped to watch, Who knows at this time on her bike stolen by a man. She hastened to the police.

英语翻译一天上午,莉莉骑着她的自行车去公园游玩,她看见有两人游泳比赛,便停下来观看,谁知就在此时她的自行车被一个男子偷了.她赶紧报了警.不要用翻译器翻译的! 英语翻译小红上个星期天上午11点骑着自行车去公园玩,她把自行车放在了草丛后面,自己便去欣赏风景.但是她不知道草丛里有人,这时已经是11点10分了.到了11点15分,藏在草丛里的人把她的自行 英语翻译上个星期天上午11点,lind(人名)骑着自行车来到了公园.11点10分左右,当她到达河边的时候,一群人正在河里游泳,她把自行车停在树边然后去看人们游泳.当她正在观看其他人游泳的时 英语翻译个人爱好:喜欢打篮球、乒乓球、台球、游泳、打扑克.平常喜欢找几个朋友一起出去旅游.兴致比较高的时候会自己骑着自行车去方圆50公里内转一天,寻找一些乡土气息和生活的乐趣. 英语翻译我享受骑着自行车走遍杭州各地的感觉. 英语翻译 你是骑着自行车来的吗? 莉莉乐于助人,班上的同学都很喜欢她(英语翻译) 骑着脚踏车去旅行英语翻译 一段文字英语翻译自行车为俄国人发明.1801年9月的一天,俄国农奴阿尔塔莫诺夫骑着自己制造的木制自行车,行驶2500公里,赶到莫斯科向沙皇亚历山大一世献礼.阿尔塔莫诺夫制造的自行车与法 英语翻译在一个阳光明媚的星期天早上11:00,Linda骑着自行车去公园玩,在11:10时她把自行车停在湖边的草丛旁,并在湖边看别人游泳,当时有一个小偷藏在草丛里看着,在11:15时那个小 但是我喜欢叫她莉莉 英语翻译 我骑着我的自行车去呼吸新鲜空气的英语句子 请教英语翻译:她每个周六上午去少年宫学钢琴. 速进,居里夫人破案 ,居里夫人破案法国著名物理学家、化学家居里夫人不但在学术上有很深的造诣,而且还能把物理知识运用到破案中.一天清晨,居里夫人骑着自行车,她在路上发现一位倒在 小明骑着自行车去郊游,自行车整体向前行驶时( ),车轮滚动的是( ) 自行车的车轱辘没气时为什么骑着费劲? 骑着自行车的男士用英文怎么说 自行车骑着不倒的原理?