
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:44:36


in 2008, i was so young that I indulged myself. I didn't look back until I lost the most precious thing in my life. All that it left to me was memory and endless regret.
in 2009, i still keep smiling and do not take anyting seriously. I think simply that I can forget it in this manner but I failed, totally failed. i paid much for my naive thought and act. is time really the best medicine to heal injury?
i think i need the lifetime to prove it.
i once heard a saying "it's terrible not to be unwise, but to the unwise feel themselves wise." maybe i'm right the unwise kind.
whatever i say now will be in vain. the only thing i can do is to give my best wishes to myself, it and her,also to him.

In 2008, when I was a ignorant young boy, I lost the most valuable thing in my life. When I regreted, the only thing left to me was just memory, and endless regreting.
In 2009, I was still grinn...


In 2008, when I was a ignorant young boy, I lost the most valuable thing in my life. When I regreted, the only thing left to me was just memory, and endless regreting.
In 2009, I was still grinning cheekily and thought innocently that I can forget it with this kind of attitude.But I failed,seriously.I payed great price for my innocent thinking.Is time the best medicine to hurt? I think I need all my life time to prove it.
It was heard that, it was terrible not that you were foolish, but that you thought you were.Maybe I was this kind of fool.
Now whatever I say, it is just for nothing.Maybe the only thing I can and should do, is to bless myself,bless it,bless her and also bless him!~


2008 With less ignorant of me for, and lost the most precious things in life I regret. Only leave it to my memories and endless remorse.
In 2009, I still remain嬉皮笑脸! Naive to think that such a me...


2008 With less ignorant of me for, and lost the most precious things in life I regret. Only leave it to my memories and endless remorse.
In 2009, I still remain嬉皮笑脸! Naive to think that such a mentality to be forgotten
But I failed. The miserable defeat for their naive and practices have paid a horrible price, time really is the best healing medicine? ?
I think they need a lifetime to prove that the time!
Have heard a word: stupid people do not horrible, horrible thing is that foolish always thought that self-righteous. ~ ~ I was about this legendary foolish to
What is now said to no avail, only the blessing of their own, bless it, bless her, as well as he!


英语翻译2008年少无知的我随性而为,失去了生命中最宝贵东西我后悔了.留给我的只有回忆和无尽的悔恨.2009年的我依旧依旧嬉皮笑脸!天真的以为能用这样的心态去忘却但是我失败了.败的很惨 求英语翻译:年少无知为爱迷茫,付出了全部伤的却是自己! 英语翻译darling.I hope you can remember me forever...当年,年少无知!不道学英语,如今..谁能帮我翻译一下!感激不尽... 问心有愧年少无知是与非,长大才知错与对;白发苍苍两行泪,自问天下随无愧.请大家给下意见,我的这首诗写得好吗哈哈,谁字打成随字了,不好意思 英语翻译大哥大姐们,我很无知, 历史上年少而有志向的人 辗转流年,物事人非.以往的点点滴滴,如今已沥沥在目.谁还记得起当年的沧桑,谁又还忘得了如今的璀璨.在懵懂的年少,俄们都很无知、可感情却又很真,没有了对与错,就像大海一般随风而过,是 每天我都在问自己该怎么办?曾经年少无知.如今快要22了,想好好的为理想努力一下.可是却不得不考虑下现实.如今自己还是单身一人,其实不是找不到,只是为了心中的那个理想,把情感压了下来 热情而无知,犹如脱缰的野马. 有哪些词语可以形容年轻人啊?是这方面的,比如:年少无知、意态轻狂、不知深浅、等等这一类的是年少无知、意态轻狂、不知深浅这一类的,就是年轻人不好的一类的 谁知道余秋雨这个名言的原文?大概意思就是说,为什么将爱情交给年少无知的岁月,下一句的意思我也忘了,谁知道这个话的原文! 心不在上身忧己雁过南飞思故情只恨年少事无知终悔不成静中取的意思 作文《年少的我》急死了. 红尘困住我年少是哪首歌的歌词 “贫而懒惰则真贫,贱而无知则真贱”的意思 英语:“我想用心爱你一辈子”.怎么讲?年少无知. 还有哪些成语词语形容年少无知,犯错等等 谢谢你在我年少的时候出现 让我看到前方的光亮 17岁 还要跟随你...(英语翻译)