
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 06:25:37


Yao is bright, the height 2.26 meters, the body weight 134 kilograms, on September 12, 1980 were born in Shanghai, he most liked eating the meat, he most liked the color was a blue color, he most believed the human was he.
In 1997 Yao has clearly joined Shanghai Basketball team, in 1998 has become Chinese team's members.After two years he has become the Asian Entire Star Basketball team's members.In 2002 the Team Shanghai has won the CBA champion, he is in team's players of the year.The identical year, Yao before Ming toward US, becomes NBA to choose Xiu first, thus helped oneself to join the Houston Rocket.After many competitions, Yao Ming felt now had little has been tired, he did not have the further plan.
2.26 meters heights caused him to obtain the absolute superiority in the athletic field.But compares notes his obvious feeling own after the multitudinous players also is how tiny.Although he has very many friends, but he hoped the more Chinese players arrive NBA.After all, survives in American's domain, is lonely.
Finally has finally waited till this day.But this is lets him be disappointed.Yi Jianlian also is after all small.
He has Wang Zhe the imposing manner, he has Wang Zhe the style, but, who can understand that Wang Zhe lonely?

Mr.Yao Ming,hight is 2.26metrer,weighth is 134kg,born in Shanghai on Sep.12,1980.His most interested dishes is all kinds of meat,blue color is the mostly color he like,he believe himself is more than ...


Mr.Yao Ming,hight is 2.26metrer,weighth is 134kg,born in Shanghai on Sep.12,1980.His most interested dishes is all kinds of meat,blue color is the mostly color he like,he believe himself is more than any others.
Mr.Yao Ming join Shanghai basketball team in 1997 and be one of china national basketball team in 1998 and became the menber of Asian basketball star team in 2 years later.


英语翻译姓名:刘翔(Liu Xiang) 性别:男 籍贯:上海 生日:1983.7.13 身高:1.88米 体重:74公斤 项目:田径姚明,中国男子篮球队队员身高:2.26米,体重:134公斤,臂展:2.83米.(请附上年龄,出 77米,体重67公斤, 一个1米6的六年级女生,体重49公斤, 我身高1米92,体重85公斤,拳力74公斤,能否击倒弗利沙? 英语翻译姚明,26米,体重134公斤,1980年9月12日出生于上海,他最喜欢吃肉,他最喜欢的颜色是蓝色,他最相信的人是他自己.1997年姚明加入了上海篮球队,1998年成为了中国队的成员.两年后他成为了 一个月内,小明体重增加2公斤,小华体重减少1公斤,小强体重无变化,请写出他们这个月的体重增长值 英语翻译姚明是出名的篮球运动员,他在1980年9月12日出生于上海,身高2.26米,体重134公斤,他很喜欢玩篮球.把上面的一段话翻译成英语! 计算:体重(公斤)/身高(米)的平方 (1)体重 50 身高 155 (2)体重计算:体重(公斤)/身高(米)的平方 (1)体重 50 身高 155 (2)体重 49 身高 155 (3)体重 48 身高 155 (4)体重 47 我65公斤算胖吗?我是男生,身高1米77,体重65公斤.不知道算不算胖? 我11岁身高1米53,体重38公斤算高算矮算胖算瘦男的!请告诉我11正常人的身高体重 我身高1米58,体重52公斤,算超重么?我是女生 我是女生,今年13岁,身高1米53,体重45公斤,胖不胖?想减肥! 47公斤,体重是多少 小明和爸爸的体重是92公斤,小明和妈妈的体重是80公斤,爸爸和妈妈的体重是120公斤,问他们各自的体重是多少公斤 我现在10岁,55米,体重30公斤, 66米 体重55公斤 算肥胖么? 人类平均每1公斤体重能承受多大重量 我身高一米98,体重103公斤,拳力285公斤,能否击倒猪?