Mary's answer is different from ___,but Ireally agree with____.A.his;her B.his;hers C.him;hers D.him;her

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:00:41

Mary's answer is different from ___,but Ireally agree with____.A.his;her B.his;hers C.him;hers D.him;her
Mary's answer is different from ___,but Ireally agree with____.
A.his;her B.his;hers C.him;hers D.him;her

Mary's answer is different from ___,but Ireally agree with____.A.his;her B.his;hers C.him;hers D.him;her

选A 玛丽的回答与“他的回答”不同,但是我赞同“她”。

选 A.his;her
从后句agree with sb 判断, A D 可能对,但是B C肯定错误
在A D中,前句be dofferent from 后面要求宾格,所以D 也就错误了。所以A 正确

Mary's answer is different from _his__,but Ireally agree with__her__.

选A,这句话的意思是Mary的答案和___不同,但是我的确同意___.agree with sb.是固定搭配,排除BC,前一句中Mary的答案和他的(或她的)不同,所以选A