
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 20:05:30


Finger practice is an important part of flute learning.The common problems include:incorrect playing gesture,over-press and uneven press when fingers press on button,poor coordination and independence between fingers and breath,and inappropriate fingering and etc.These finger problems are big obstacle to playing music works,but the player can take relative and long term practice to get it improved.

During the flute training,the fingers' part is a critical one.There will be several common mistakes such as wrong positions of performence,overstressed fingers or tuneless key pressing,fingers can't g...


During the flute training,the fingers' part is a critical one.There will be several common mistakes such as wrong positions of performence,overstressed fingers or tuneless key pressing,fingers can't get along with breathing and wrong fingering,etc.These fingering mistakes would be great obstacles to perform flure.For these fingering problems,performers could overcome them through specialized trainings or just slowing down the pace.


In flute training , finger training is an important part. Finger problems often happens as follows:Wrong playing posture;Excessive and Heterogeneous finger force;Unharmonize coordination between finge...


In flute training , finger training is an important part. Finger problems often happens as follows:Wrong playing posture;Excessive and Heterogeneous finger force;Unharmonize coordination between fingers and breath and poor independence ; Inappropriate fingering choice . these is a obstacle problems for finger playing music.The players can through corresponding exercises and slow practice to resolve those problems.


Training in the flute, the finger is an important part of the training. Easy finger problems are: playing posture is incorrect; finger keys and finger buttons excessive force strength uneven; fingers ...


Training in the flute, the finger is an important part of the training. Easy finger problems are: playing posture is incorrect; finger keys and finger buttons excessive force strength uneven; fingers and breath coordination and independence of the poor; fingering choice inappropriate. The problem for finger playing music is a big obstacle problems for the finger, players can use the corresponding exercises, and through slow practice to resolve.


哪位大大帮小妹翻译一段话啊,拜托了,我英语水平超烂!在长笛训练中,手指训练是一个重要的环节.手指易出现的问题有:演奏姿势不正确;手指按键力度过大及手指按键力度不均匀;手指与 英语翻译哪位大大可以帮我翻译下 哪位高手能帮我翻译一段英文文章呀 哪位大大可以帮我翻译一下“落实科学发展观”“构建和谐社会” Ich liebe begleiten mich heute```哪位大大帮我翻译下,谢谢 英语翻译哪位大大帮我音译一下,我给他跪了!没分了.咩好意思部是翻译哦,是音译,我想学学 哪位大神来帮我解化学题?拜托了!(*^.^*) 英语翻译毕业设计英文文献翻译,好难啊,小妹英文不咋滴,哪位大侠英文能手帮帮忙小妹我啊文章段落 哪位大大能告诉我几句古语情话 拜托了! 哪位有的翻译?拜托了! 哪位大哥大姐帮我用英语翻译一段话,急求~~~~不要求百分之百翻译,是那个意思也行...拜托了~~~下午就要拿走哩!正文如下:今天能来参加这个活动我感到非常荣幸,因为我坚信生命在于参与,尽 Salen-Co(II)/NaI催化氨基醇合成2-恶唑烷酮.哪位大大帮我翻译下,要英文的 第一段翻译,拜托了, 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下:如果我有一天不得不离开你,请你不要忘记我 好吗?拜托了各位 谢谢 哪位帮我解释一段Makefile 英语翻译可不可以帮我翻译一段话啊 哪位大虾帮我的英文名翻译下,小虾拜托了我的英文名是杰拉德,英语怎么说?(是英语哦) 开学了的初四作文哪位帅哥靓女帮小妹找篇作文啊,题目是‘开学了’,写开学的感受,心情.我初四了,写五百字就好了,我实在是找不到合适的了.