我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study. A.to,with B.with abou我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study.A.to,with B.with about C.with ,to D.to,to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 09:24:00

我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study. A.to,with B.with abou我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study.A.to,with B.with about C.with ,to D.to,to
我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study. A.to,with B.with abou
我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study.
A.to,with B.with about C.with ,to D.to,to

我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study. A.to,with B.with abou我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study.A.to,with B.with about C.with ,to D.to,to

B.talk with/to sb.about sth.:与某人谈论关于什么

If you or your students are looking up words from every sentence,the reading level is too high.looking up words from every sentence是什么意思?上下文是这样的:Choosing appropriate reading materials can be difficult for learners and teache 一道磁场物理题谁知道有一道物理题的图是这样的原题是什么随便给我一个题就行 我有一道英语的发音题不会做,是这样的:weather bread great 我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study. A.to,with B.with abou我有一道题是这样的,The teacher is talking _____ my mother ______my study.A.to,with B.with about C.with ,to D.to,to 以b打头的单词题我有一道英语题,大致是这样的:Song Zuying is one of the most successful singers in china b_________now.请帮我在划线的地方填一个恰当的词!Thank 一道平衡的化学题谁知道有一道化学题的图是这样的原题是什么 我有一道数学题,,内容是这样的 不等式2^(x-3/x+1) 阅读里的一道小纠结~做到一道阅读题,选项是这样的……please send me two tickets for the second night (if there is one)我就不懂了,明明是送我两张票,括号里为什么又是如果有一张的话? yet和 just the sameNCE 第三册第三课中有一道这样的题:_______,I'm glad the bell is working again.A.Yet B.Good C.Just the same D.Even now我选的是A,但答案是C.解析上说,因为Just the same意思是依然,有still 的含义,可 Helen dances better than other all the girls.这是一道连词成句的题,我这样做对吗?要是不对该怎样改,为什么? 祈使句and变or吗?我们考试的时候有一道这样的题 Don't eat _____ shout in the hallways,是and还是or啊? 卢纶的古诗我的接力书上有一道题是这样的:你还知道卢纶的哪些古诗?有的话快告诉我! 我有一道题不知道怎么回答,是这样的:最小的自然数加上最小的的质数和合数,它们的和是( ). 老虎会游泳吗?的英语我有一道题是这样的:“swim can really tigers连词成句”我不太会,想问问大家怎么写. 2010年6月30日的月亮是什么形状的我作业里有这样一道题,但我做这道题时已经是7月18日了, 下面的词语对应的成语是那些follow home stay on the ball teache one's grandmother to such eggsburn one's boats face the musica班门弄斧b追根究底c临危不惧d保持警惕e破釜沉舟 有一道题是这样的:Lily with her parents (clean) the house at eight yesterday .有一道题是这样的:Lily with her parents (clean) the house at eight yesterday 是用括号的词的适当形式填空 答案是was cleaning 这是单数 自然界中被称为“智慧元素”的是?在问问学堂中,有这样一道题,我回答是“锌”错了,那是什么呢