jim lives near the zoo.how long does it take jim to go to school by bus no.46b英语练习册上的是期中测试上的,阅读表格题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 13:45:13

jim lives near the zoo.how long does it take jim to go to school by bus no.46b英语练习册上的是期中测试上的,阅读表格题
jim lives near the zoo.how long does it take jim to go to school by bus no.4

jim lives near the zoo.how long does it take jim to go to school by bus no.46b英语练习册上的是期中测试上的,阅读表格题

Jim住得离动物园很近。 Jim乘4路车去学校要花多长时间?