急求不少于80字的英文小作文.My Beloved Grandparents

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急求不少于80字的英文小作文.My Beloved Grandparents
急求不少于80字的英文小作文.My Beloved Grandparents

急求不少于80字的英文小作文.My Beloved Grandparents
My grandparents are very special to me.They have worked hard all their lives and sacrificed a lot for my family.Not only that,but they are also special friends to me.They are easier to talk to than my parents and they are very kindmto me.For example,my grandmother makes me delicious things to eat and my grandfather often takes me fishing.
In addtion,they are the leaders of my family.They are full of wisdom and know the stories of our ancestors.They are the ones that hold our family together.As a result,I owe them a great deal,but I don't know how to repay them.All I can do is cherish them and never take them for granted.

Maybe the symptoms are familiar, my grandparents always stuff me with chocolates, crisps and ice cream. --to be ctd

Grandparents are important and influentual persons in all people's lives. They are those people who take care of you and love you. They are special persons who can give you wise advice.
My ...


Grandparents are important and influentual persons in all people's lives. They are those people who take care of you and love you. They are special persons who can give you wise advice.
My grandparents always taught me respect for others, and they showed me with their experience that love and feelings are important things in my life and that I don't have to pay attention to material things or what people externally look like.
To describe my grandparents I have to say that they are beautiful people that I admire because they are so active and so healthy.
Even though they are old, they always have a strong desire to enjoy life. In addition, the most important thing is that they are full of love and offer it to their families.
My grandparents are a huge mixture of culture and nationalities because they come from different countries. For example, from my mother's side my grandfather is from Spain, and my grandmother is also from Spain, but from a different city. From my father's side, my grandfather is from Venezuela, and my grandmother is from Italy. Even though this is a huge mixture, my grandparents have a very good relationship.
My four grandparents have a goal in common in their lives; their goal is to see our family full of happiness and to see us growing up healthy and happy because they want me and my family to have a successful future, and so they can prove to themselves that they did a great job raising my parents.
Furthermore, my grandparents are people that are always in tune to the new things in the world. For example, my grandmothers always care about fashion, how they dress and their personal appearance. And my grandfathers always care about economics or important issues in the world.
I think I am very lucky that all of my grandparents are alive because I have learned so much from them. I would like to continue learning from them even though we are living in different countries now. I will always remember my grandparents as role models for me.
I think no one can ever replace people like our grandparents; they can understand our doubts about life because nobody in this world has more experience about life than they have. So, grandparents, I love you!
I love my grandparents. I could say I grew up with them. My parents have always been absent a lot (work).
We used to live in a village, only recently we all moved to a more urban area. It`s my mother`s parents I am talking about. My father`s parents died long ago. I don`t remember them.
Now, I like to spend time with my grandparents. I like to go to a beach with my grandmother and I like to go walking with my grnadfather. They`re both healthy people and only their looks show that they`re over 70, nothing else.
My grandparents aren`t educated and they aren`t rich either, but my grandfather is a smart man and my grandmother is a caring woman. I love them. It`s other people who seem to have a problem with this.
Today I went for a walk with my grandfather. We walked and talked about everything. I really enjoy talking to him. You should have seen how some people stared at us. Is it so rare these days to see a grandchild who`s not ashamed to be seen in public with their grandparent
Then he bought us ice cream. Well, you should have seen that arrogant looking down on my grandfather. What, Is he less worth if he doesn`t have fancy clothes? Ah, and the other one who was staring at us all the time trying to figure out what we were talking about...
What a world. Youth is overrated.
My grandparents have passed down integrity, strength, motivation, and the will to follow my dreams. I've learned so much from them its amazing. When I go to their farm in eastern Kentucky I follow my grandfather everywhere he goes and I don't regret a second of it. From teaching me how to show respect, to showing me how to catch fish, he's always been there to teach me the most valuable things in life. My grandfather is everything to me. He greets everyone with a smiling face and is understanding. "Quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger". I love being around him, and my only regret is that I couldn't spend more time with him. He's the kind of guy that you just dream, you dream and dream to meet. He farms tobacco every day, thats hard work. Does he ever complain, no. You know why? Because thats what he has to do to feed his family and to make those around him happy. He'll work extra, harder, and faster than anyone just so that he can take me and my cousin fishing in the summer. My grandfather doesn't have to do this. He could simply step back, get retirement, and watch airplanes fly by, but he doesn't. He works. He works hard. And he cares. My grandfather gave me one of his knives that he carried for years, and I'll never let it go. My grandmother also is a guiding figure in my life. She gets up every Sunday, early, just to volunteer to teach a class at her church. Did I mention at 5 o'clock that morning too to make a huge lunch that thanks to its good taste will be all over the county by noon. Yes, it's really that good. She always goes the extra mile to make those around her happy, if I didn't have her I wouldn't be half the person I am today. I love her so much. She always teaches to be kind, make exceptions, and listen. This is shown to me every time I'm with her. She has never said a harsh word, never frowned upon another, never looked down upon someone, which is something most of us do everyday. She has always been there for a good talk, a good laugh, and she has always been one to listen to me. Without my grandparents I'd be nothing. So they are defiantly my friends. And they love me, and I will make sure to reflect that love straight back to them.
Grandparents Meet A Need
Grandparents meet a need
That no one else can fill;
They’re always kind and gentle;
They love you and always will.
They have plenty of time to listen,
To encourage and to care;
When others are too busy,
Grandparents are always there.
They have delicious foods;
There’s always something cooking;
They feed you scrumptious tidbits,
When no one else is looking.
They take you special places;
They’re never in a hurry.
They soothe you when you’re troubled,
And help you not to worry.
They buy you things you want,
Even things that you don’t need;
"Do what makes them happy!"
Is every grandparent’s creed.
They focus on your good points,
And overlook each flaw;
How could we do without
Our grandma and grandpa?
Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma,
For giving life a special shine;
I’m glad to have grandparents,
And happy you both are mine!
