英语翻译What you about your self-worth is one of the most important decisions you will ever make as a teen.2 Brockingham is run by people who are more interested in tourists than its residents.3 By banning all fast-food restaurants and discount s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 01:28:29

英语翻译What you about your self-worth is one of the most important decisions you will ever make as a teen.2 Brockingham is run by people who are more interested in tourists than its residents.3 By banning all fast-food restaurants and discount s
What you about your self-worth is one of the most important decisions you will ever make as a teen.2 Brockingham is run by people who are more interested in tourists than its residents.3 By banning all fast-food restaurants and discount stores,they take away all the places kids can afford to shop.

英语翻译What you about your self-worth is one of the most important decisions you will ever make as a teen.2 Brockingham is run by people who are more interested in tourists than its residents.3 By banning all fast-food restaurants and discount s
第一个句子 个人感觉有点问题 请你再核对一下.第二个句子的意思是Briockingham的经营者对游客比对居民更感兴趣.句子的主干是Brockingham is run by people ,who are more interested in tourists than its residents是一个定语从句修饰people.第三个句子的意思是:禁止快餐店和折扣店的结果是,让所有孩子们能消费得起得地方都消失了.主句是they take away all the places , kids can afford to shop是一个定语从句修饰the place 意思是孩子们能够消费得起的,by 的意思是通过某种方式.