
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 20:51:12


The original of American people can be found all around the world .Every group brings different cultures while they integrated the society .American community ,therefore ,contains a great deal of colonies ,and inherit abundant cultural relics.due to this American idioms have the characteristics of many other groups.

Americans are the world's many peoples from around the world
To emigrate to the United States. Immigrants of all nationalities in the big investment
Furnace, it also brings around the differen...


Americans are the world's many peoples from around the world
To emigrate to the United States. Immigrants of all nationalities in the big investment
Furnace, it also brings around the different cultures. Because
Here, the United States in an extremely wide range of social memory sub-groups,
Inherited a very rich cultural heritage. This feature, made
To the multinational character of American slang.


Americans are the world's many peoples from around the world
To emigrate to the United States. Immigrants of all nationalities in the big investment
Furnace, it also brings around the differen...


Americans are the world's many peoples from around the world
To emigrate to the United States. Immigrants of all nationalities in the big investment
Furnace, it also brings around the different cultures. Because
Here, the United States in an extremely wide range of social memory sub-groups,
Inherited a very rich cultural heritage. This feature, made
To the multinational character of American slang.应该可以了


American is that a lot of nations migrate from world everywhere to American from in the world. While throwing so big furnaces of person the various national immigrant, have also brought about differen...


American is that a lot of nations migrate from world everywhere to American from in the world. While throwing so big furnaces of person the various national immigrant, have also brought about different culture of everywhere. Group therefore, there being existing extremely numerous son in USA society inner, have inherited extremely rich cultural heritages. This one characteristic , multinational having brought up USA reason language.


Americans in the world from the world, many people immigrated to america. all the migrants in the el crisol, also brought in all parts of different cultures. therefore, the american society in the most onerous the group, we inherited a very rich cultural heritage. this characteristic, is the sort of nationality. many

英语翻译美国人是由世界上诸多民族从世界各地移民到美国的.各族移民在投人这个大熔炉的同时,也带来了各地不同的文化.因此,美国社会内存在着极为繁多的子群体,继承了极为丰富的文化 杰克是美国人.英语翻译 英语翻译不同的民族传统节庆之差异,都与该民族或由具有相同文化特质的诸多民族所构成的文化体系的生存形态和生活方式的差异密切相关. 世界读书日是那一天 世界上读书最多的是哪个民族的人 英语翻译英荷壳牌公司是世界上最大的石油垄断之一,由国际资金设立.从1993年到1996年,这个公司的收益连续四年排名世界前500位. 、世界上第一支具有实用价值的左轮手枪是由美国人( )在1835年发明的. 世界上第一支具有实用价值的左轮手枪是由美国人( )在1835年发明的. 英语翻译越是民族的越是世界的. 如何理解“文化既是民族的又是世界的”.就题目分析“中国人的文化是:忠孝孝为先,血缘第一,办事从大处着想.日本人的文化是:忠孝忠为先,集体第一,在精细方面有所建树.美国人的文化是 华夏民族是世界上最古老、最伟大、最高贵的民族,而其他国家的民族如同粪池中的蛆虫,卑劣、下贱而又肮脏.所以我们要清扫世界的垃圾消灭肮脏的蛆虫还世界一片净土 亚洲人口约占世界人口的多少?是世界上什么最多的大洲?亚洲现有多少个民族? 西夏是由【 】民族组成 世界上最伟大的民族是哪个民族? 从文化生活角度分析为什么文化既是民族又是世界 从文化角度分析为什么文化既是民族的又是世界的? 从文化生活角度分析为什么文化既是民族的,又是世界的. 从文化生活的角度分析为什么文化既是民族的,又是世界的? 从文化生活的角度分析为什么文化既是民族的又是世界的