The girl always asks me for ___ when she was in troubleA some advices B pieces of advice C an advice D many advice我在纠结到底选B还是选D

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:25:05

The girl always asks me for ___ when she was in troubleA some advices B pieces of advice C an advice D many advice我在纠结到底选B还是选D
The girl always asks me for ___ when she was in trouble
A some advices B pieces of advice C an advice D many advice

The girl always asks me for ___ when she was in troubleA some advices B pieces of advice C an advice D many advice我在纠结到底选B还是选D
B many修饰可数名词 advice是不可数
祝学习进步!如有帮助请尽快采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

advice 不可数


b。 advice是不可数名词,而many后面只能加可数名词哦^_^


advice不可数。要用a piece of来修饰,但piece有复数形式。

The girl always asks me for ___ when she was in trouble. mari is a girl full of questions.she always asks her mother()答案是who is the greatestman in the world.why?who the .is? Which letter always asks you to tell the reason Which letter always asks you to tell the reason? The girl always asks me for ___ when she was in troubleA some advices B pieces of advice C an advice D many advice我在纠结到底选B还是选D The teacher asks a girl to write an English word on the blackboard then the girl in the ticket office asks him 的意思 The little boy hates____(play)the piano,buthis mother always asks him____(play) the little girl's mother asks her (practice) piano every Saturday the little girl ( )【原型是point】to an elephant and asks her mother,what is it? 连词成句:the,asks,girl,eating,Tom,about,her,habits, My mother always asks me _____(not pick) flowers in the park. Our teacher always asks us ______ (not play)on the street our teachers always asks us ___(not play) on the street he always asks him to do the opposite ,i does worki does 是it does The girl is always p_____ to the old. Mary is a girl full of questions.She always asks her mother ___.A.where does she come from B.that the earthquake takes place C.who is the greatest man in the world D.why the sun rose in the east Mary is a girl full of questions.she always asks her mother ______________.A.where is she from does the earthquake take place C.why is the greatest man in the world D.why the sun rose in the aest