完形填空A hungry wolf was walking in the forest

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 07:25:40

完形填空A hungry wolf was walking in the forest
完形填空A hungry wolf was walking in the forest

完形填空A hungry wolf was walking in the forest
A hungry wolf was walking in the forest,looking for something to eat.Then he met a dog."Ah,Cousin," said the dog,"You look so tired.What’s the 36 " "Well,I haven’t eaten37 for a few days.I’m quite hungry now," the poor wolf answered."Tell me why you are so cheerful?" "It seems that you’re not living a very good life.Why not live 38me,and get your food on time?" "I don’t know if I can get that kind of 39 ,"the wolf said in a low voice."I can easily help you," said the dog."Come with me to my master and you shall 40both my work and my food." Then the wolf and the dog went towards the town together.On their way to the town,the wolf saw that there was 41 hair around the dog’s neck,so he asked him what the reason was."Oh,that’s nothing," said the dog."My master 42 a rope (绳子) around my neck." "43 does he do that?" asked the wolf."To make me stay near the door." "Are you 44?" the wolf asked again."It hurt at the beginning,but I’m used to it now." "Is that all?" said the wolf."Well,I should 45about whether or not to go with you."
( C)36.A.program B.func tion C.matter D.answer
( A)37.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
( B)38.A.to B.with C.for D.to
( B)39.A.goal B.chance C.course D.topic
( D)40.A.save B.create C.order D.share
(C )41.A.much B.many C.little D.some
( B)42.A.checks B.ties C.passes D.orders
( C)43.A.Where B.What C.Why D.How
( A)44.A.comfortable B.lucky C.healthy D.surprised
( D)45.A.care B.talk C.worry D.think ,


36. C. matter
37. B. anything (不是 A. something)
38. B. with
39. B. chance
40. D. share
41. C. little
42. B. ties
43. C. Why
44. A. comfortable
45. D. think

A hungry wolf was walking in the forest..(完形填空) 完形填空A hungry wolf was walking in the forest A hungry wolf was walking in the forest.. Hungry Like The Wolf 歌词 完形填空there was once a boy hungry for him,谁有这篇文章的答案? Hungry Like The Wolf (Live) 歌词 英语完形填空题When we talk about a bad man,we like to call him a wolf的讲解, 英语完形填空题When we talk about a bad man,we like to call him a wolf的讲解(每个空) 把This wolf is hungry改为同义句 a hungry 阅读短文,选词填空.(feeling,stonger,took,in,bigger,Lily,wolf,hamburger,happy,hungry)It was a fine day.Lily was very_____.she can see her grandmother again.She_____the basket and put some food____it.On the way to her grandma's house,she met a b A wolf meets a lamb on the road.The wolf is very hungry.He wants to eat the lamb,You said somethin翻译成中文!不要在线翻译器的!要通顺! A wolf( )the 完形填空Last year wa had an English teacher为开头的文章,有10个空,急 英语翻译寓言童话[美文搜索1]The Wolf And The LambOne day a lamb and a wolf came at the same time to a mountain stream to quench their thirst.The wolf was very hungry,and wanted very much to have the lamb for his lunch.He tried first to fin The Wolf and the Little GoatOne beautiful spring evening,a hungry wolf goes out to look for his dinner.He sees a little goat The goat stands up on a steep cliff.I must have that goat,the wolf thinks to himself.But how can I reach her?Hello,littl wa ta si wa si a wa se de su 英语翻译A wolf meets a lamb on the road.The wolf is very hungry.He wants to eat the lamb,You said something bad about me last year.What?asks the lamb.I was not even born at that time.Then the wolf says,You drink my water.No,says the lamb