a drop in the bucket 全句是 Although Hamas has received some financing from organizations abroad,the aid is a drop in the bucket.是杯水车薪的意思么?这是什么成语的固定说法么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:03:01

a drop in the bucket 全句是 Although Hamas has received some financing from organizations abroad,the aid is a drop in the bucket.是杯水车薪的意思么?这是什么成语的固定说法么?
a drop in the bucket
全句是 Although Hamas has received some financing from organizations abroad,the aid is a drop in the bucket.

a drop in the bucket 全句是 Although Hamas has received some financing from organizations abroad,the aid is a drop in the bucket.是杯水车薪的意思么?这是什么成语的固定说法么?
是个成语,沧海一粟的意思.也可以说a drop in the ocean

a drop in the bucket

a drop in the bucket九牛一毛 沧海一粟 杯水车薪
虽然哈玛斯的海外组织收到了一些资金援助 但这些援助只是杯水车薪

a drop in the bucket [简明英汉词典]
n.九牛一毛, 沧海一粟
