
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:04:32


可翻译为:Today I am going to talk about something that happend a couple weeks ago.That was at 10:10,Thursday.We were jumping into the big rope,but I didn`t dare to jump because I was afraid of it that it would hit me.I was watching beside it.Not for so long,one classmate taught me how to jump ,but I still had no courage to jump.Later she pulled me in,although it failed,but I had faith.I tried again and I reall made it.
I understood that nothing in the world was difficult.

Today I want to tell you a few weeks ago. It was a Thursday 10:10. We are a jump rope. But I dare notjump into it, because I was afraid of rope hit me. I've been watching. Soon, one of my classmates t...


Today I want to tell you a few weeks ago. It was a Thursday 10:10. We are a jump rope. But I dare notjump into it, because I was afraid of rope hit me. I've been watching. Soon, one of my classmates teach me to dance, but I dare not. Then she pulled me in, although fail this time, but I have confidence. I tried again, really successful! I know: nothing is difficult, if you put your heart into it.


Today I want to tell you a story happend several weeks ago. It happend on 10:10 on Thursday. We were jumping big rope. But I didn't dare to jump inside, because I feared that the rope would hit me. I ...


Today I want to tell you a story happend several weeks ago. It happend on 10:10 on Thursday. We were jumping big rope. But I didn't dare to jump inside, because I feared that the rope would hit me. I was seeing there all the time. After a while, a classmate wanted to teach me how to jump but I still didn't dare to do. Later she pulled me in. Although I failed this time, I had confidence. I tried again and succeeded at last. I realized that out of difficulties, comes miracle.


英语翻译今天我要跟大家讲一件几周前的事情.那是周四的10:10.我们正在跳大绳.但是我不敢跳进去,因为我很害怕绳子打到我.我一直在旁边看.不久,一个同学教我跳,但我还是不敢.后来她拉我 英语翻译:最后,我拜托大家一件事情,就是不要把今天的魔术秘密告诉别人.最后,我拜托大家一件事情,就是不要把今天的魔术秘密告诉别人.否则我会被人.. 保守秘密是职业魔术师的第一守则 “今天我和大家讲一个关于我自己的故事”怎样用英语翻译 “我今天要讲的是一个关于狐狸的寓言故事,希望大家喜欢”这句话用英语翻译. 英语翻译今天我给大家讲的故事是《可怜的小猪》. Space 太空用英语翻译一句话-.-||今天,我要给大家介绍有关于太空的事情.Today,.有时间的话 顺便 帮我写一篇 ^.^ 小六作文,“我成功了”写一件事,大家帮我想个题材,新颖贴近生活,要符合这个年纪的事情,谢啦!我要具体的事例,不要给我讲如何写作文 英语翻译中国的酒文化 即使是同样一件事情,由于各个国家文化的不同,人们对其的理解也会不同.今天我要给大家介绍的是中国的酒文化.在这里,主要通过中国的酒的种类和人们的饮酒习惯这 急求《美在我身边》作文一定要今天给我,要记叙文,写一件事情的,不少于600字. 作文我的爸爸妈妈400要讲一件感人的事情不要以前出现过的作文 英语翻译:可以随便问我关于今天比赛的事情 用英语翻译“今天我也没有太多的准备,那么我就给大家讲个故事”还有“故事讲完了,我的演讲到此结束” 太阳是大家的讲了一件什么事 要准确 “今天跟某某姐姐做了一件好疯狂的事情,期待效果”这段话白话该怎么说? 小学六年级下册语文我最好的老师课文讲了一件什么事情 我的伯父鲁迅先生救助车夫讲了一件什么事情 我做错了一件事情,后来她就不理我了……几天后我跟她讲我不喜欢她,她却说我讨厌你……(她双子座的) 谁能帮忙翻一下 中译英1.HI ,大家好,今天我要讲一个有些悬疑的故事,首先请大家跟着我读一下文中的新单词.2.请跟我读.3.现在故事讲完了,请大家听一下我的几个t或f问答.4.现在我将再读一遍