
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 12:47:53


2012 CCTV “Star of Outlook” English Talent Competition


注意事项 本试卷共4道大题,考试时间为60分钟,满分100分.所有试题均在答题纸上作答,也可先在试卷上作答,再将答案誊写在答题纸上.选择题直接写出正确选项的字母即可.答题前认真填写答题纸上密封线内的学校、班级、组别、姓名和联系方式等信息.

( ) 1. A.on B.office C.orange D. open
( ) 2. A. bowl B. snow C. now D. yellow
( ) 3. A. birthday B. eighth C. north D. mother
( ) 4. A. back B. library C. than D. traffic
( ) 5. A. doll B. those C. home D. go
( ) 6. A. teacher
B. girl C. turn D.
( ) 7. A. bridges B. faces C. cakes D. pages
( ) 8. A. group B. mountain C. thousand D. without
( ) 9. A. exercise B.except C. expensive D. excuse
( ) 10.A. borrowed B. asked C. carried D. stayed
( ) 11. –– Where is your sister?
–– She ______ my mom with the cooking.
A. helps B. helping C. is helping
( ) 12. His daughter is ______ girl.
an 8-year-old B. an
8-years-old C. a 8 years old
( ) 13. Everymorning, I ______ a shower before breakfast.
A. do B. get C. take
) 14. It’s
October 10th. Lucy is ______ years old now. Today is
her ______ birthday.
A.twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelve C. twelve; twelfth
( ) 15. –– ______ is Sam?
–– I think he is at Tina’s home.
A. Who B. How
( ) 16. ––Why do you like music?
–– Because it’s ______.
A. relaxing B.worrying C. boring
( ) 17. There is ______ “h ” and ______ “ u” in the word “house”.
A. a; a B. an; a C.an; an
( ) 18. I take my dog ______ a walk every day.
A. to B. on
( ) 19. There ______ apen and four pencils in the pencil case.
A. are B. is C. has
( ) 20. Do you like ______?
A. playing football B. play the football C. to play the football
( ) 21. Would you like ______ a kitewith me this afternoon?
A. to fly B. flying C. fly
( ) 22. Does Daniel______after school?
A. walk home B. walks home C.go to home on foot
( ) 23. Where ______ you ______?
A. do; from B. do; come from C. are;come from
( ) 24. There is some ______in the box.
A. food B. eggs C. apples
( ) 25. Please ______ my mother. Sheis ill today.
A. look for
B. look after C.
look like
( ) 26. My little brother often ______for things in his room.
A. watches B. look C. looks
( ) 27. ______ you knowthe answer ______ the question?
A. Are; to B. Are; at C. Do;to
( ) 28. Excuse me, how doyou ______ that in English?
A. say B. speak C. talk
( ) 29. ––______ eggs doyou want?
–– Give me ten, please.
A. How many B.How much C. What
( ) 30. –– Here’s a letter for you,Maria.
–– Thank you. Oh, it’s ______ my pen pal, Jane.
A. from B. to C. for

There is a zoo in our city. My parents
often take me there on 31 .
I like animals. I have 32 toy animals in my room. In the 33 , I can see the tigers, elephants,
monkeys, pandas, bears, snakes, and many other 34 . Some animals are friendly, but some are
not. Tigers, bears and some snakes are 35 ,
that is why they have to stay in 36 .
But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cages. They should be
free. The animals in cages can’t be 37
. I think the most interesting
animals in the zoo are the dolphins. I like 38 them swim and jump. They swim so fast and jump
so high. They can play with a ball. They can stand up and walk 39
They are very 40 to people. If you fall into the water and
can’t swim, they may come to help you.

( ) 31. A.summer B. month C. weekday D. weekends
( ) 32. A. a lot B. a lots of C. a lot of D. lot of
( ) 33. A.
zoo B. park C. bank D.
( ) 34. A.tigers B. people C. friends D. animals
( ) 35. A.
dangerous B. friendly C. interesting
D. ugly
( ) 36. A.
houses B. cages (笼子)
C. ponds (池塘) D.
( ) 37. A.
angry B. happy
C. friendly
D. boring
( ) 38. A.
looking B. seeing C. watching D.
( ) 39. A.
in B. at C. with D.
( ) 40. A. friendly
B. interesting
C. angry D.
Leopards (豹)
live in many parts of the world, from Siberia (西伯利亚)
to Africa. They have a very beautiful yellow skin with large black spots. They
live for about 15 years and eat small mammals (哺乳动物)
such as zebras, monkeys, and antelopes (羚羊).
They sleep for about 12 hours a day. Leopards are very solitary (独居的) animals. They spend most of their time
alone in trees, where they wait until a small animal passes. They jump on the
animal and then drag it up into the tree, where they eat it.
Like many animals, leopards are disappearing
because people hunt them. They kill them for their beautiful coats. The Sinai
leopard, for example, from Egypt, is now probably extinct (绝种的).
( ) 41. How long does a leopard usually liveabout?
A. Fifty weeks. B. Fifteen months.
C. Twelve days. D. Fifteen years.
( ) 42. Leopards _______.
A. live in family groups B. live alone
C. live together D.live with other animals
( ) 43. Leopards spend much time in treesbecause they want to _______.
A. sleep B. jump
C. wait and catch small mammals D.rest
( ) 44. Why do people hunt leopards?

A. Because they kill them
for their meat.
B. Because they attack people all thetime.
C. Because they are dangerous.
D. Because they kill them for their coats.
( ) 45. Which of the following sentences isNOT true?
A. Leopards have beautiful fur.
B. Leopards eat animals and plants.
C. Leopards sleep about 12 hours a day.
D. The Sinai leopard is probably extinct.


Train Number From… To… Departure (离开) Time Arrival (到达) Time
T157 Beijing Shenyang 6:49 12:43
Z41 Tianjin Shanghai 20:11 6:41
Z42 Shanghai Tianjin 19:50 6:21
1477 Nanjing Wuxi 10:40 12:03

) 46. The train from Beijing
to Shenyang
leaves at _______.
A. 6:06 B. 6:21 C.
6:41 D. 6:49
) 47. We have to spend _______ on the train if
we go to Shenyang from Beijing.
A. 5 hours and 54 minutes B. 6hours and 6 minutes
C. 6 hours and 34 minutes D. 6 hours and 54 minutes
( ) 48. The Z41 train arrives in Shanghai at _______.
A. 6:21am B. 6:21pm C. 6:41am D. 6:41pm
) 49. If you want to go to Tianjin
from Shanghai,
you can take the _______ train.
A. T157 B. Z41 C. Z42 D. 1477
) 50. It takes _______ from Nanjing
to Wuxi by
A. about half an hour B.less than an hour
C. about one and a half hour D. more than two hours

答题纸 考号:

试 题一二三四总 分得 分

2.C 3.D 4.B
5.A 6.A 7.C
8.A 9.C 10.B
11.C 12.A
13.C 14.C 15.C
16.A 17.B
18.B 19.B 20.A
21.A 22.A
23.B 24.A 25.B
26.C 27.C
28.A 29.A 30.A
31.D 32.C
33.A 34.D 35.A
36.B 37.B
38.C 39.D 40.A
41.D 42.B
43.C 44.D 45.B
46. D 47.A
48.C 49.C 50.C
姓名 考号 学校 班级 联系电话

