求一篇150字左右的作文 love is the most important lesson of all 急用!邮箱hyx6636@163.com作文四级水平就够了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 04:19:34

求一篇150字左右的作文 love is the most important lesson of all 急用!邮箱hyx6636@163.com作文四级水平就够了
求一篇150字左右的作文 love is the most important lesson of all 急用!邮箱hyx6636@163.com

求一篇150字左右的作文 love is the most important lesson of all 急用!邮箱hyx6636@163.com作文四级水平就够了
Love is the most important lesson of all.
Love is an essential component of our life. We need to know how to love our parents, our friends, our partners and our kids. Hence learning to love is probably one of the most important life lesson that follows us throughout our whole life. It allows us to view this world with a happier perspective, and ensures that we also bring this happiness to whom we love. We give out love to people and also receive them from others. We know that love may not be mutual. Millions of people love Jay Chou or Jacky Chan but they do not even know those people personally. Love is a way to share your passion; to convey your care; and to confess your strong affection. Love, is the lesson we ought to learn, it is the ode that we cannot live without.