英语:根据对话内容填空,每空一词-what are you going to ▁ when you grow up?-I'm going to be a teach.Ilike children.-▁ are you going to ▁ that?-I'm going to ▁ harder at school and get good grades.And I'm going to get a ▁ job.-wh

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:25:14

英语:根据对话内容填空,每空一词-what are you going to ▁ when you grow up?-I'm going to be a teach.Ilike children.-▁ are you going to ▁ that?-I'm going to ▁ harder at school and get good grades.And I'm going to get a ▁ job.-wh
-what are you going to ▁ when you grow up?
-I'm going to be a teach.Ilike children.
-▁ are you going to ▁ that?
-I'm going to ▁ harder at school and get good grades.And I'm going to get a ▁ job.
-why are you going to get a part-time job.
-Because I want to ▁ some money.You▁,I'll need ▁ of money for college.
-What's your ▁ job?
-I'm not sure about ▁ .Maybe a waitress or model.
-Thant sounds great.

英语:根据对话内容填空,每空一词-what are you going to ▁ when you grow up?-I'm going to be a teach.Ilike children.-▁ are you going to ▁ that?-I'm going to ▁ harder at school and get good grades.And I'm going to get a ▁ job.-wh
1.do 2.How 3.do 4.study 5.part-time 6.make 7.know 8.iots 9.part-time 10.that

How do
study part-time
make know lots