这句话哪个动词是谓语哪个是非谓语Atlanta quickly recovered from the destruction caused by the Civil War.recovered 和caused 哪个是谓语哪个是非谓语?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 06:24:12

这句话哪个动词是谓语哪个是非谓语Atlanta quickly recovered from the destruction caused by the Civil War.recovered 和caused 哪个是谓语哪个是非谓语?
Atlanta quickly recovered from the destruction caused by the Civil War.
recovered 和caused 哪个是谓语哪个是非谓语?

这句话哪个动词是谓语哪个是非谓语Atlanta quickly recovered from the destruction caused by the Civil War.recovered 和caused 哪个是谓语哪个是非谓语?
而caused 是过去分词作定语修饰destruction
而非谓语动词就三个,过去分词,ing形式 不定式


recovered 是谓语
caused 是非谓语
caused by the Civial war 是给一个过去分词短语,放在名词destruction后面做它的定语,表示限定和修饰说明。

recovered是谓语 caused是非谓语
Atlanta quickly recovered from the destruction是主句
caused by the Civil War 是定于从句 修饰 destruction

recovered 是谓语动词,caused短语是过去分词短语作定语修饰destruction。

You know what I know.这句话中,哪个是谓语动词,哪个是非谓语动词?要详细解释 这句话哪个动词是谓语哪个是非谓语Atlanta quickly recovered from the destruction caused by the Civil War.recovered 和caused 哪个是谓语哪个是非谓语? 再一句话中怎么判断哪个动词是非谓语 句子中怎么知道哪个是非谓语哪个是谓语 怎么知道哪个是非谓语哪个是谓语 怎样识别非谓语动词?一个句子中有两个动词,怎么判断哪个是谓语动词,哪个是非谓语动词?主句中的动词就是谓语,从句中的动词就是非谓语? 这句话哪个是谓语动词,哪个又是非谓语动词呢?He gained his wealth by printing works of famous writers 这句话里哪句是谓语动词呢?gained是什么词性呢?为什么要加ed?printing为什么又要加ing呢? He did nothing last Sunday but repair his bike.哪个是非谓语动词和谓语动词 怎么判断一个句子里那个事谓语动词哪个是非谓语动词 请问这句话中哪个是谓语动词?John didn't want to risk getting wet as he had only one suit.我知道did是助动词,getting是非谓语动词,但是want 和risk哪个是谓语动词呢?回答的太简练了吧,如果want 和 risk这两个 系动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词? take measure to do 中 哪个是谓语 哪个是非谓语 非谓语动词是不能做谓语还是不能单独做谓语?有的老师老师讲非谓语动词是不能单独做谓语的动词形式,但语法讲的是不能作谓语的动词才是非谓语动词,哪个对? 什么是非谓语动词 如何判断句中动词是谓语还是非谓语 怎样判断句中动词是谓语还是非谓语 怎样判断句中动词是谓语还是非谓语 从句中非主句的动词是谓语还是非谓语?