very的用法把very加在名词前来使用时,有什么条件要求吗?例如:in that very moment...(一句歌词)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 02:19:05

very的用法把very加在名词前来使用时,有什么条件要求吗?例如:in that very moment...(一句歌词)
例如:in that very moment...(一句歌词)

very的用法把very加在名词前来使用时,有什么条件要求吗?例如:in that very moment...(一句歌词)

This is (my very) own.这绝对是(或完全是)自己的.
(Your very) presence will do.你只要出席就可以了.
He is (the very) man that came yesterday.他正是昨天来的那个人.
He was caught in (the very) act of stealing.他就在偷东西的现场被捕.
(That very) thought of failing in the English examination frightensme.甚至想到英语考试不及格我就害怕.
(The very) coward would accept the challenge.就是那懦弱的胆小鬼也会接受这种挑战.
in (that very) moment 就在那一刻 / 说时迟那时快.