
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:56:21


What appearance is prospective car?You do not know!That le,it is like train of magnetism in suspension in sky travel.There is a guide in the car -- satellitic navigation system.The glass of the car can prevent ultraviolet ray,make the person\'s eye is not harmed.The car is to rely on to compress the reactive force that air releases to fill the car,rely on another compression again air is in a rear eduction,the car runs quickly to ahead like jet aircraft.Car rate of future is very rapid,one hour can run hundreds of kilometers,even thousands of kilometer.You let it open way of how many kilometer,want to say to the car only,the car can bade by yours go doing.Prospective car has a lot of advanced places:There is same thing in the car,can control the steering wheel of the car.You should say where to go to only,it can take you automatically where to go to.It can operate steering wheel,need not you worry about.Reached that place,the car can stop automatically,next,can give out automatically \" toot toots \" sound,remind you to had arrived stood.Car shell of future is very beautiful.Whole car is yellow.But,you look carefully,there can be one to above discovery the horizontal line of multicoloured,match very equably.There is a thing in the car,can make the car has invisible effect.How!Prospective car is magical!Believe you like very much certainly!

以在中国假如每个家庭都有一辆汽车将会出现什么养的情形?为话题写一篇英语作文60~80词,各位大叔大婶,大伯大妈,大哥大姐谢谢了. 在生物与环境相互作用的漫长过程中,环境不断改变,生物也必须不断进化以适应环境.假如环境突然改变,某种生物来不及适应,将会出现什么结果? 假如没有摩擦力,将会出现怎样的情景? 假如地球停止自转,将会出现什么后果? 假如地球停止自转,将会出现什么后果? 假如地球突然停止自转,将会出现什么现象?为什么? 假如曹操在赤壁之战中获胜中国历史将会怎样? 假如李白重新生活在这个世界上,将会怎么样? 假如水的密度变为10g/cm3,将会出现什么现象 假如地球停止自转运动,地球上将会出现怎样一番景象呢?你知道吗 ? 假如没有声音,将会出现什么场景?请你发挥想象力写出一个合理的场景 假如发电站一直发电,取消所有用电负载,将会出现什么问题 现在中国平均每个家庭有几个孩子? 运筹学最大流问题建模4个家庭去野宴,每个家庭4个人.现有四辆车可以使用,每辆车运输人数有限,汽车1:4个人,汽车2:3个人,汽车3:3个人,汽车4:4个人.并要求每辆车不能运送一个家庭两个以 假如光绪皇帝的维新变法成功了,中国现在的社会体质将会是什么? 英语翻译中国孩子的选择权、自主权较小,许多事情都按父母的意愿去办或由父母包办代替.中国父母在家庭里往往以权威出现,因此与孩子的距离较远.中国孩子的隐私常常受到侵害,书包被搜 英语翻译:奇迹将会出现 假如没有灰尘将会怎么样