《董宣传》范晔 翻译

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《董宣传》范晔 翻译
《董宣传》范晔 翻译

《董宣传》范晔 翻译
陈留人董宣做洛阳县令.湖阳公主的奴仆大白天杀了人,于是藏在公主家,官吏不能捉到他.等到公主出行,让这个奴仆在车右边陪乘,董宣在夏门亭等候,停住公主的车拉住马,用刀在地上一画,大声列举公主的过失;喝斥这个奴仆下车,于是打死了他.公主立即回到宫中向皇帝诉说,皇帝大怒,叫来董宣,想要用棍棒打死他.董宣磕头说:“希望让我说一句话就死.”皇帝说:“你想要说什么?”董宣说:“陛下您有圣明道德使国家中兴,可是放纵奴仆杀人,将要凭什么治理天下呢?我不用棍棒打,请允许能够自杀!”他立即用头撞柱子,鲜血流满脸.皇帝命令小宦官抓住了他.皇帝让董宣磕头向公主道歉,董宣不听从;小宦官强迫使他磕头,董宣两手撑着地,终究不肯低头.公主说:“文叔你当百姓时,敢藏匿逃跑犯死罪的人,官吏都不敢到你家来查.现在你是天子,你的威力还不能制服一个县令吗?”皇帝笑着说:“天子不能跟百姓一样!”于是下令:“坚强不低头的县令出来吧:”皇帝赐给董宣三十万钱,董宣全把钱给了各位官吏.从此董宣能够打击豪强不法之人,京师没有人不震惧.Chen DongXuan do keep luoyang magistrate.HuYang slaves of the princess in broad daylight killed,and hid in the princess home,officials can't catch him.Wait until the princess travel,let the slaves in the car with take on the right,DongXuan in summer door pavilion waiting for,stop the princess car pull the horse,with the sword on the ground a painting,loudly lists the fault of the princess; Rebuke the slave get off,and killed him.The princess right back to the palace to tell the emperor,the emperor great anger,called DongXuan,want to use bludgeoned him.DongXuan kowtow said:"I want let me say a word is dead." The emperor said:"you want to say?" DongXuan said:"your majesty you have mankind moral,national zte,but indulgence of murder,will be slaves by what?I don't have to running the country club hit,please allow to commit suicide!"