一些SAT语法问题寻求解答As rare as diamonds,some species of coral growing as deep as 2000 feet beneath the sea and are highly prized in the Hawaiian jewelry trade.答案说是grow as deep as,那这里为什么不是deeply?To insist that a po

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:42:53

一些SAT语法问题寻求解答As rare as diamonds,some species of coral growing as deep as 2000 feet beneath the sea and are highly prized in the Hawaiian jewelry trade.答案说是grow as deep as,那这里为什么不是deeply?To insist that a po
As rare as diamonds,some species of coral growing as deep as 2000 feet beneath the sea and are highly prized in the Hawaiian jewelry trade.
答案说是grow as deep as,那这里为什么不是deeply?
To insist that a poem means whatever one wants it to mean is often ignoring(C)the intention and even the worlds of the poet.答案说C应该改为to ignore,因为to do...is to do,我想知道什么时候该符合这种句型,ignoring为啥不行,我觉得从语法角度貌似是对的.
In the novel,Jane Eyre must make many difficult choices ,(like when she forces )herself to leave the house of Mr.Rochester,the married man she loves.答案说括号处应该为including forcing,我想问为什么for example,by forcing不对啊?而且我觉得including好想不大有举例的感觉
Theodore Roosevelt was not just a great reformer;he was alsona great president 这是正确答案,我想问为什么Not just as reformer,Theodore Roosevelt was also a great reformer.主要问题就是想知道just as a和just a的区别
Although familiar to us from presentations in ancient art,war chariots are rare museum artifices because by(C)the sixth centuryBC,they were no longer used in battle.答案说这句话是对的,但我对C有疑问,不是说by the time或by短语做时间副词的句子中,主句的动词要使用完成时态,既然这里动词没有用完成时态,那是不是by错了?还是说by the sixth centuryBC不算by短语做时间副词?by1990之类的是不是也不一定要用完成时态?

一些SAT语法问题寻求解答As rare as diamonds,some species of coral growing as deep as 2000 feet beneath the sea and are highly prized in the Hawaiian jewelry trade.答案说是grow as deep as,那这里为什么不是deeply?To insist that a po
1.因为deep本身就有副词的词性...比如We had to dig deeper to find water.不用说 dig more deeply.详情自己去查一查韦氏...deep有三个词性,形容词 副词 还有个名词呢.
而且growing处明显就是错了,and连接两个谓语动词,grow...and are prized.
2.从语法的角度,动名词作表语 当然是可以的,但是正如你所说,to do is to do,更为标准,没有 什么时候该符合这种句型,to do is to do就是比 to do is doing 好.
OG里给出了明确的判断标准,比如 OG6-sec6-18题:Driving less frequently is one way to save energy; to turn off(B) all appliances ...is another.前半分句 的主语是doing,那后半句B处就应该改成turning off,与前面平行一致.
3.by doing 叫方式状语从句,修饰谓语,如果按你说 用by forcing那么这句话的意思将变为 "JE 肯定通过逼自己离开R家 而做出了许多艰难的决定." 也就是by forcing修饰的是 must make这个谓语,句意显然不通.
至于你说的 including有没有 "举例的感觉",比如I've got many friends,including Jane and Mr.Rochester.我有许多朋友,包括简和R先生.你说这算举例么?
4.not just...also...整句话的意思大概就是 "不仅..还是...",正确的句子 在不仅和还是后 都是出现名词a reformer 和a president,平行比较嘛.
而你有疑问的错误的句子 "不仅"后是as a reformer是个介宾短语 "作为改革者","还是"后 却是名词 a president.本身就不平行.
错的这句话 如果这样改就对了:Not just as a reformer,TR was a great man also as a president.这样 not just后面是as A,also 后面是as B.就平行了.
"就是想知道just as a和just a的区别":just是副词,对句子结构没影响,重要的区别就是 a XX和as a XX的区别,a XX是名词,as a XX是介宾短语; 原句中名词作表语,as a XX "作为一个XX"却只能做定语或者状语.这是语法上的区别.从语义或者语感上讲,你有疑问的句子一读就是错的...
5.这个,我只能说 ①不是有by就一定用完成时 ②用过去完成时还是用一般过去式,要看 是否强调这个动作 与那个时间 的关系.比如 "到9点,你来了." 那么这是客观描述 过去发生的事儿,用一般过去.如果是 "到9点,你已经来了3个小时了",那么强调的就是 到9点这个过去时间 的时候,你已经怎样怎样了,用完成时.

1. 这里的deep不是直接修饰grow 的,相当于growing in places that are as deep as ...
2. 这个to ignore和前面的to insist是并列的,并列的结构都是同样的形式
3。这可能翻译成汉语译为举例。实际上就是说出了前面的many difficult choices 中所包括的一个。用for example到觉得不合适。


1. 这里的deep不是直接修饰grow 的,相当于growing in places that are as deep as ...
2. 这个to ignore和前面的to insist是并列的,并列的结构都是同样的形式
3。这可能翻译成汉语译为举例。实际上就是说出了前面的many difficult choices 中所包括的一个。用for example到觉得不合适。
4。这里的 not just..... also 就是not only ....but also 的一个变形。不仅。。。而且还。。。


一些SAT语法问题寻求解答As rare as diamonds,some species of coral growing as deep as 2000 feet beneath the sea and are highly prized in the Hawaiian jewelry trade.答案说是grow as deep as,那这里为什么不是deeply?To insist that a po The panda is a rare animal.A panda is a rare animal. Pandas are rare animals. 这三句话有什么区别?如上,关于英语的冠词语法问题!求高手解答!谢了! sat语法真题求解,不懂的别进Alongside the trail on which we ride our bikes each morning run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees.这里应该用runs,As rare as diamonds,some species of coral growing as deep as 200 feet beneath the sea and sat语法, SAT语法. 太难 语法啊!英语语法问题 有点难 请大师帮忙看下 非常感谢!1.Experiments show that insects can function as pollinators of cycads, rare, palmlike tropical plants.这句话rare, palmlike tropical plants是插入语还是同位语 sat语法问题 Although familiar to us from representions in ancient art,war chariots are rare museum artifacts because by the sixth century B.C.they were no longer used in battle.我想知道by+过去时间点,不应该是过去完成时么,为何 要考SAT但是我语法不行应该怎么办推荐一些好的语法书最好是针对SAT的 高一化学寻求解答过程 SAT有2题语法想不明白64希望各位大神帮忙解答一下SAT有2题语法想不明白希望各位大神帮忙解答一下 关于SAT 新东方问题关于SAT 你们了解SAT的都知道.新东方也是. 我想问的是他们教的是?语法.作文.还有单词, 能否给些你们在上新东方课程语法练习的一些老师例子. 我没上过新东方.现刚移民 RARE rare 求教一些SAT语法题~括号代表下划线The library is (older than it but still just as beautiful as the courthouse).1、older and it is just as beautiful as the courthouse2、older than the courthouse but just as beautiful答案是第二句, SAT语法题,本人英语基础不太好请解答的详细些麻烦了.Not many authors have described the effects of environmental pollution as effective as Rachel Carsonm shose work is still a model for nature writters.as effective as错在哪里 请问,在SAT语法中,be known as 和be known to be的区别 sat语法2题目. SAT的语法