
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:31:12


Deng Xiaoping has been one of the late-twentieth century's preeminent statesmen.His impact will be felt well into the next century as China's economic reforms begin to have impressive effects,and China's international power grows.The life of Deng Xiaoping mirrors the history of China in the twentieth century - beginning with a rural upbringing,then militant revolutionary activities until the CCP seized power in 1949.By 1954 Deng was one of the inner circle of CCP leaders and although he endured six years of internal exile during the Cultural Revolution,by 1977 he had contended for ultimate political power in China.His actions since then have been devoted to deconstructing the Maoist state,introducing economic reforms while keeping a firm hold on the party-state political system,and building China's international and military stature.

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