分析这句话的句子成份There were fireflies,even at this hour,and the place was so dark and so densely shrouded by the trees overhead that the light of fireflies was hugely magnified; their abdomens pulsed like great yellow flashlights.求高

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 15:35:48

分析这句话的句子成份There were fireflies,even at this hour,and the place was so dark and so densely shrouded by the trees overhead that the light of fireflies was hugely magnified; their abdomens pulsed like great yellow flashlights.求高
There were fireflies,even at this hour,and the place was so dark and so densely shrouded by the trees overhead that the light of fireflies was hugely magnified; their abdomens pulsed like great yellow flashlights.

分析这句话的句子成份There were fireflies,even at this hour,and the place was so dark and so densely shrouded by the trees overhead that the light of fireflies was hugely magnified; their abdomens pulsed like great yellow flashlights.求高
第一个there were fireflies,even at this hour
there be 句型,主系表倒装,fireflies主语,were是be动词过去式,there表语,even副词,at this hour时间状语.
第二个the place was so dark and so densely shrouded by the trees overhead that the light of fireflies was hugely magnified; their abdomens pulsed like great yellow flashlights.
表语是so dark and so densely shrouded by the trees overhead that the light of fireflies was hugely magnified; their abdomens pulsed like great yellow flashlights
so that句型应道的并列结构
so dark and so densely.that +从句(主系表the light of fireflies做主,was系动词,hugely magnified做从句表语
分号后第二句their abdomens pulsed like great yellow flashlights
主语their abdomens
like great yellow flashlights副词引导的状语

There were fireflies, (even at this hour插入语), and the place was so dark and so densely shrouded by the trees overhead that the light of fireflies was hugely magnified; their abdomens pulsed like great...


There were fireflies, (even at this hour插入语), and the place was so dark and so densely shrouded by the trees overhead that the light of fireflies was hugely magnified; their abdomens pulsed like great yellow flashlights.
可以拆分为2个分句,用;隔开。第一个分句又是一个AND连接的并列句。there were fireflies (and) the place was so dark and so densely....magnified. 而AND后面的句子又是一个so..that的句型。


分析这句话的句子成份There were fireflies,even at this hour,and the place was so dark and so densely shrouded by the trees overhead that the light of fireflies was hugely magnified; their abdomens pulsed like great yellow flashlights.求高 there are a few minutes left. 这句话中的left担任的是句子的什么成份,起什么作用? (英语)请分析一下这句话的成份Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were of no avail. over these tombs huge stone pyramids were built.这句话中的成份是怎样的请分析,特别是were built这个是这句话中的表语还是被动时态啊,都没有见过这种形式的名子, 如何分析句子成份 such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden 这句话怎么理解啊 there were were怎么用了2个were 求分析! I think that the doctor had better see you.帮详细分析下这句话的句子成份或结构好么? Will you make an enquiry concerning what has happened?语法分析这句话中的has happened从语法上分析,属于句子的什么成份. 英文好的请进,帮忙翻译和分析下这句话的主位宾定状补结构~In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were missing. ”There is no such thing as standard English.分析一下这句话的句子结构. 请分析这句话的每个词的词性、句子结构及句子成份.At first ,the language stayed the same as that used in Britain.特别是as后面的部分需要详细解释,分析. I'v liked horses for as long as I can remember.请问这句话句子成份如何分析?如何翻译? we'll be back in no time.请分析一下这句话的成份. 请问sb.like doing something 的句子成份怎么分析? there be 这句话对吗:However,there were inventions even more influential than motorised flight.influential作什么成分呢?were的表语还是说这句话有语法错误?ps:这是作文书上的句子.纠结 请分析一下这个汉语句子的结构“他收到了一束花,附带的礼品盒里还有一只兔子和一份贺卡.”请分析一下这句话里逗号后面那句是什么成份,有什么作用. 谁能帮我分析下这句话的句子结构 急用 分析主语 Most of the people invited to the reception were old friends. As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy由于在给这个木乃伊拍摄的X光片子上有奇怪的斑点请高手们分析一下句子成份,过去分词taken如何转成定语从句?与主句时态有关吗?