
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:46:57

(1) 此电机为几相电机?转子上应有多少个齿?
(2) 计算极距为多少?若每个极距下所包含的转子齿数是整数,会有什么情况发生?
3、有一台直流发电机,已知 ,Ea=230V,Ra=100 ,负载转速n=1500r/min,空载转速n0=1800r/min,试求:(1) 求每极磁通.(2) 若磁通不变,电磁转矩为多少?
4、欲使用某直流伺服电动机,需要取得其机械特性.现测得控制电压 时的两组数据,即
转速 (r/min)\x05 控制电流 (A)\x05备注
试画出 时相应的机械特
3题有一台直流发电机已知,Ce=8.47,Ea=230V,Ra=100欧姆 ,负载转速n=1500r/min,空载转速n0=1800r/min,试求:(1) 求每极磁通.(2) 若磁通不变,电磁转矩为多少?
4.欲使用某直流伺服电动机,需要取得其机械特性.现 测得控制电压Ua=100V 时得到一下两组数据,即
转速 (r/min)\x05 控制电流 (A)\x05备注
4500 0.05 空载
3000\x05 0.2 负载

Husband wife dialogue
On her husband to get up:get up,get up,do not you get up early today to meet Well said.
Wife:You do not touch me!I want to sleep!!
Husband:fast from it,to should not be late.
wife:Yeah!Are the late!How did you call me!!!
wife about to eat:I eat the plum in half,very good to eat,and the rest to you eat.
Husband:I do not like plum.
Wife:No,you love to eat!You are not eaten anything against me!
Husband:This fish is very good to eat,come.
Wife:You dirty chopsticks touched,who eat!
husband:What do you eat I eat half,I do not hold anything against you,how do you hold anything against me?
wife:you are right.I hold anything against you that I am better than you clean.I'm clean,how can you than you hold anything against me?!
divorce his wife:If we divorced,the house belongs to me,my money I have to take.
Husband:What about my money?
Wife:Your money is my money,what is your money!
wife:Also,your monthly income after divorce have to give me 80%.Ah,if you marry again,then I became 60%.
husband:my wife,I will not divorce you!
on housework and her husband:We divide the job into home.
wife:good.First of all,men do it too dirty work,such as grazing,brush the toilet,wipe the table ......
husband:this right.
Wife:You studied engineering in school,and I was learning the arts,and live with your kid things,like washing machines,rice cookers,electric irons ......
husband:this ......OK!
wife:men outside,women inside.And dealing with outsiders you do it live,buy groceries,utility bills,take the newspaper milk ......
Husband:OK,OK,you do
Wife:Do not worry ah.So much smoke in the kitchen,can destroy the skin,and cooking with your kid.
Husband:You tell me you do it.
wife:I have a lot to dry Yeah.I can be with you,monitoring you,praise you,comfort you ......
Wife about the child:we want a child.
Wife:Do you like our children?
Wife:No!You have a person like me!
Husband:Well,Mac eyeshadow,well,Ray Ban sunglasses,for a person like you.
Wife:That my child how can you not like ah!
husband:we still do not have to children.
6.on the water
wife:her husband,I want to drink!
Husband:I'll keep on doing.
Husband:hey,this cup is not in your hand Well,did not see?
wife:Yes,I just want you to me.
7.about leadership
wife:I was not out of the leadership at home have to be leaders.You're out is to lead,must be led at home.
Husband:What if I do not succeed in leading the outside it?
wife:a man,Man on the outside face,home to come and collect his wife Shua Weifeng,What kind of man!
wife on the bed:we cover the double was it.
Husband:Do not!That the next morning to all wrapped on you.I did cover none.Or build your own bar,and my heart at ease.
Wife:Well,you are yourself cover,until tomorrow morning I still have to be wrapped to go!
9.on the center
wife:I have been in our family center in your home but also to me as the center.
husband:I have been in our family center.
wife:you can be my center of that center than important.
Wife:Because I am a daughter,you're just a kid.
wife on the phone:Why do not you call me?!
Husband:falsely accuse!Today is not that a good thing you give me a call.Finally,I waited a day,or I'll call you.
wife:I said,can I changed my mind.Ai-ling said:Women have the privilege to change his mind.
husband:Do you change your mind did not tell me it!
wife:I said,my heart said,Who told you and my heart is not interlinked.
wife and friends on a different surname:I have a boyfriend,you can not interfere with me.
Husband:OK,I have a girlfriend.
Husband:Why Yes I know I not.
wife:I am a boyfriend,you can not do the others can do,I will not pick your old problems,and is conducive to a happy family .
your girlfriend,I am acting by a small,jealous quarrel with you,is not conducive to family stability.
husband:I have acting by little.
wife:a man,mulberry handbags sale,and woman as acting by a small,loss of nerve to say you!
take things on his wife:the bag you carry it with me.
Husband:I took four bags,and you get nothing,the nerve it?
wife:I was holding it for you!100 kilos you do,I will get something better than what you get heavier.
wife on a walk:walk to a piece of the road we have it.
Husband:too far to get there,now that we can not go back.
Wife:Well,you carry me back.
on the affair his wife:now play the old TV affair,you say,you will have an affair it?
husband:Do you have a regret I had enough,never again to be the second
15.on the streets
Wife:My husband,took to the streets go.
A kinds of situations:
Wife:You see you,that is fun,who are three years old,the play has such a big heart,a little ambition at all.
B kinds of situations:
husband:do not!
Wife:You see you,never with me one day to know the work of the work,who are three years old,and still did not understand life ,do not care about family!

1、某四相磁阻式步进电机,转子齿数为Zr=50(齿),请计算出单拍制和四相八拍时的步距角θb1=?和θb2=?并分别列出单、双拍制,以及四相八拍时的通电顺序.2、某磁阻式步进电机定子上有8个极,若 求电机输入脉冲频率三相变频磁阻式步进电动机,转子齿数Z=100,双拍制通电,要求电动机转速为120转每分,求输入脉冲频率为多少? 一台五相十拍运行的步进电动机,转子齿数Zr=48,步进电动机的脉冲频率为600Hz.试求:1、电动机的步距角.2、电动机的速度.3.设单相通电时距角特性为正弦波,其静转矩的幅值为3N·m,求三相同时 步进电机转子有86个齿,采用三相三拍通电方式,经联轴器带动丝杠螺母传动副驱动工作台做直线运动,要求工作台的脉冲当量小于0.01mm,步进电机的最高工作频率为20000HZ,求:1、步进电机的步距 一般步进电机转子有多少个齿啊? 步进电机 拍数和步的问题如果以N表示步进电机运行的拍数,则转子经过N步,将转过一个齿距.这句话是什么意思?为什么是转过N步正好是一个齿距? 2.已知步进电机转子有80个齿,采用三相六拍通电方式,经齿轮组,丝杠螺母传动副驱动工作台做直线运动,丝杠的导程为5mm,齿轮的传动比为1/4,求:(1)步进电机的步距角 (2)工作台的脉冲当量.第 什么是步进电机细分数 假如步进电机转子是永磁的,转子有50个齿,请问50个齿中,N和S极是怎么分布的啊? 一采用三相六拍驱动方式的步进电机,其转子有80个齿,经丝杆螺母副驱动工作台作直线运动,丝赶的导程为5mm,工作台的最大速度为30mm/s!求步距角、脉冲当量、步进电机的最高频率! 如何理解步进电机的相数 步进电机的步数/转是什么意思 步进电机的步数/转是什么意思 已知某步进电机的参数:相数m=5、齿数m=4,通电方式系数k=1或2.请根据步进电机的工作原理写出其通电顺序 步进电机的功率计算已知步进电机的力距为100N、线圈类型:单极、相数:4 、工作电压:12VDC、相电阻:120欧姆.可否计算步进电机的功率? 四相步进电机步进角度为5.625*1/64,单相运转时为什么电机里面A-B-C-D-A转动一圈电机外转0.7031度? 某五相步进电机采用五相十拍控制方式,设其转子齿数是100齿,若给它输入2000个控制脉冲时,求它旋转了多少 我有一台电机铁心长200 跨距1~9 线径2根0.90 转子带线圈 铜头 请问这是多大的电机 匝数为14