
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 03:30:13

1.opinions differ as to what exactly 'image'entails.上文讲了有关公司形象。
2.It has more far-reaching implications affecting everything from the choice of star endorsing their products .



In a moment, the childhood front door has shut down slowly to me. The recall past, has the unhappiness painstakingly, has the happiness, has the vitality ......But has a matter to let me have a vivid ...


In a moment, the childhood front door has shut down slowly to me. The recall past, has the unhappiness painstakingly, has the happiness, has the vitality ......But has a matter to let me have a vivid memory, comes clearly into view.
week afternoon, because the evening has the visitor to come, therefore mother leads me to arrive at the agricultural market fair, in market sea of people, because I must buy the fountain pen. Desperate, we arrived at roadside one to sell the vegetable on the stall to do grocery shopping. The vendor is a grandfather, understood at a glance that is tunnel old farmer who the position experienced hardship to the full.
went forward to ask the price, then started with him to negotiate. But that sells the vegetable the human is calculating, how isn't willing to reduce the half-angle money. I impatient urged mother in side, mother also to worry, then the hurried name served food pays the money, the anxious sharp fire fire walked. Who knew in the halfway, mother only then discovered the key to disappear, how to manage? Will treat will have also the visitor to come! Thinks of here, mother on the face has revealed the disappointed expression. “definitely was forgets in that outdoor shop, has thrown the thing, who will give back to you, let alone that was calculating old man. You confess bad luck!”
as soon as
passes through turns the intense ideological struggle, mother decides to go back tries one's luck, therefore we rush toward the market direction.
to there when already was evening, in the market the human are not many. Under the dim light, we saw that uncle in there, the eye to all directions was also looking, is likely in et al. I and mother walk, the grandfather recognized us, he has used that to be covered with the callus the handle key to give mother, mother meets the heart to him to nod, our three happily smiled.
is looking at present simple uncle, what can I also say? However a guilty feeling by lives. Wishes old person the life to be safe!




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