Excuse my English Specifically what you need for send the merchandise for P.To specify that you need ( Broker company name,2+10 ,address ,ect.) and to get in touch with my broker properly .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:38:39

Excuse my English Specifically what you need for send the merchandise for P.To specify that you need ( Broker company name,2+10 ,address ,ect.) and to get in touch with my broker properly .
Excuse my English Specifically what you need for send the merchandise for P.To specify that you need ( Broker company name,2+10 ,address ,ect.) and to get in touch with my broker properly .

Excuse my English Specifically what you need for send the merchandise for P.To specify that you need ( Broker company name,2+10 ,address ,ect.) and to get in touch with my broker properly .
才发现“我的好友提出的问题” 回答下吧 虽然不知道能不能用得上 呃 2+10是美国海关新出的一个进口文件,09年年初开始试运行,可有可无,但一般船公司都没有,2010年以后可能强制执行,是发货人收货人与货运公司的一些详细资料.ISF申报就是 “10+2 新规” 你可以查下具体条文,主要就是供应商,买方,卖方之类的 跟国际贸易有关

2+10 在这句话中 应该是联系方式中的一种,是个代号,可能是电话号码,可能是地区号,可能是地址