谁能帮我翻译吗,^_^Nighttime sky because of star light,but is radiant.flowers because of sunlight,but is bright.because of misses lonely,but beautiful.the life because of has you,but is splendid .only wants to tell you gently ,loves you,the tim

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:11:40

谁能帮我翻译吗,^_^Nighttime sky because of star light,but is radiant.flowers because of sunlight,but is bright.because of misses lonely,but beautiful.the life because of has you,but is splendid .only wants to tell you gently ,loves you,the tim
谁能帮我翻译吗,^_^Nighttime sky because of star light,but is radiant.flowers because of sunlight,but is bright.because of misses lonely,but beautiful.the life because of has you,but is splendid .only wants to tell you gently ,loves you,the time is not long,the life.pays not many for you ,all.

谁能帮我翻译吗,^_^Nighttime sky because of star light,but is radiant.flowers because of sunlight,but is bright.because of misses lonely,but beautiful.the life because of has you,but is splendid .only wants to tell you gently ,loves you,the tim

谁能帮我翻译吗,^_^Nighttime sky because of star light,but is radiant.flowers because of sunlight,but is bright.because of misses lonely,but beautiful.the life because of has you,but is splendid .only wants to tell you gently ,loves you,the tim 英语翻译求翻译摩斯密码,直接用摩斯密码翻译器翻译不到,女同学发给我的...._ __ ._ .._.._.._ .._.....__ ..._..._.._._.._ ._..._ _...___ .._ _ _.__ ___ .._ 翻译:你看到过我的英语书吗_ _ _ _ _English book?注意是5个空! 谁有westlife的daytime friends and nighttime lovers和beyond the sea发给我, 懂摩斯密码的给我翻译下 ..._...._._ .__ ___ ._....._._.___ _...谁知道啊 英语好的请进来看一下!句子翻译:1.你能尽快给我写信吗?Can you _ _ _ 2.请尽快写信告诉我有关你的情况.Please _ and _ me _ youreslf.3.向右拐,沿着布莱街前行._ _ and go _ _ Bridge street.4.在第一大街左转 翻译句子:我对品尝烤鸭一点也不感兴趣:I am_ _ _ _ Beijing Duck. 求翻译~摩斯电码:/_ _./_ _ _/_ _./_ _ _/_._/._/_ _ _/_./../ 顺便附带摩斯电码表吧, Could I _ the bike _you?我能借一下你的自行车吗?翻译 他能照顾自己吗?翻译 _ he _ _ look after himself? 那位英语强人帮忙翻译一下?【我一直不敢相信的美丽~ 】求把这句话翻译成英语?先谢谢了^_^_^_^_^_^~~~ 翻译句子::I_ _ _. ****_/*_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _*/****_/*_ _ _ _/_ _ _**/*_ _ _ _/****_/*_ _ _ _/_****/***_ _/****_/*_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _*/**_ _ _/_****/**_ _ _/**_ _ _/***_ _/_ _***/****_/ 我的问题:为什么解码出来后的分组数字是:41 94 41 81 41 63 daytime friends and nighttime lovers?歌词 翻译 我一点儿也不喜欢英语,是因为它难学 i_like english _ _because it is _ _ _it. 倁檤乜崾娤莋卟倁檤、呮洇ゐ卟想嗳嘀亽绶伤_给我翻译下是什么意思 你让我觉得恶心!=_=求翻译 汉译英 我们可以搭车去乡下吗?could we _ _ _ _ the countryside?我的父母都从事教育工作 my parents both _ _ _我想做他想做的事 he is gong to do _ he _ _ _你最好别让他们等太长时间 you _ _ _ _ them _ for too long