请帮忙翻译文章,并解答(可能有个别单词的其中的一个字母出错)many business and industries condcut vocational programs to help their employees derelop new skins and improve the quality of products and sevices,one type of educati

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:55:33

请帮忙翻译文章,并解答(可能有个别单词的其中的一个字母出错)many business and industries condcut vocational programs to help their employees derelop new skins and improve the quality of products and sevices,one type of educati
many business and industries condcut vocational programs to help their employees derelop new skins and improve the quality of products and sevices,one type of education know as human resownes development,help employees learn what to do in their jobs and how to work as part of leam HKD (humen vesowvces development) is usually referred to as training specialists in HRD are gereerally culled trainers rather than teacheys
vocational education is especially important in lountries include the dereloping nations of Africa,Asia and Latin America To help build their countries economy,students in these countries are encouraged to take course in such fields as agricnlture and industry
问题1.The purpose of vocational programs;help____develop.____and improve the quality of____
2.students in developing countries are encouraged to take courses in____and____

请帮忙翻译文章,并解答(可能有个别单词的其中的一个字母出错)many business and industries condcut vocational programs to help their employees derelop new skins and improve the quality of products and sevices,one type of educati
很多企业和工厂为了提升员工的技术和产品、服务质量开发专业项目.(derelop 改成develop skins改成skills resownes 改称resources) 一种被称为人类资源开发的教育形式,帮助员工学习在他们工作中他们应该做什么以及怎么样成为HKD的一部分
(is usually referred to as training specialists in HRD are gereerally culled trainers rather than teacheys) 这一句 我实在是不明白
专业教育在一个国家中尤为重要(lountries改称countries) ——包括亚洲 非洲 拉丁美洲的发展中国家.专业教育帮助这些国家发展经济.这些国家的学生被鼓励在这些领域进修 比如 农业、工业
1.employees ; skills;product and service

请帮忙翻译文章,并解答(可能有个别单词的其中的一个字母出错)many business and industries condcut vocational programs to help their employees derelop new skins and improve the quality of products and sevices,one type of educati 有没有类似于读者啊,青年文摘这样的英文杂志,个别难得单词给出翻译 请帮忙从李煜的《望江南》中找出个别字词并加以赏析,谢了! 请帮忙翻译,希望晓之以情动之以理的拿下客户!我们是签约供应商,彼此有良好的合作关系,各方面都经受了考验.我们不应该受其他个别供应商恶意报价所左右,因为那是一个风险很大的事.可能 英语翻译有哪些重点句子..必考翻译的句子和单词..请帮忙写下..急用.. 请帮忙解析并解答 九年级化学 请写一篇日本文字的文章并翻译! 杜畿传的翻译和个别加点字的翻译谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 谁帮我估一下2010年6月四级!认真估分的有加分!听力选择对17个,单词3个,句子每个都写一点,快速阅读8个,选词填空2个,阅读6个,完型12个,翻译1个,作文切题,个别单词可能有错误!这样的四级能有 对个别单词和句子的翻译用什么翻译软件比较好? 对个别单词还有句子的翻译用什么翻译软件比较好? 英语翻译最好有个别重点字词的单独翻译 请帮忙翻译:我每天背单词 蘑菇很小为什么就开伞我们培养的莆田蘑菇,有个别很小的就开伞,有的菌褶上还有黑色的斑斑点点.请专家帮我解答, 用英语写一篇介绍电影的文章200单词左右有的请帮忙下哈 “有个别音标词发音不准”用英语怎么说“有个别音标词发音不准” 请帮忙把这句话翻译成英语 英语好的亲,请进!求六篇描写机器人的英文文章.初中水平即可.要求初二水平,如有个别超出初二水平单词请附带中文.最好是原创或者是网上已有改编.最重要的是一个字母不能错.这么多的要 诸葛亮记单词 都有那几本书啊?想买、想提前了解下、用过的请帮忙解答、谢谢