北航12年12月课程考试1.We students often help and learn from ( )other.A.allB.eachC.everyD.one 满分:2 分2.( )my opinion,there should be fewer examinations once students enter university.A.ToB.AtC.InD.For 满分:2 分3.It was not

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:41:34

北航12年12月课程考试1.We students often help and learn from ( )other.A.allB.eachC.everyD.one 满分:2 分2.( )my opinion,there should be fewer examinations once students enter university.A.ToB.AtC.InD.For 满分:2 分3.It was not
1.We students often help and learn from ( )other.A.allB.eachC.everyD.one 满分:2 分
2.( )my opinion,there should be fewer examinations once students enter university.A.ToB.AtC.InD.For 满分:2 分
3.It was not until 1980s ( )they settled down in north America.A.whichB.thanC.thatD.then 满分:2 分
4.I stood there,( )the broadcast.A.being listenedB.listening toC.to listen toD.listened to 满分:2 分
5.It often ( )in winter in the north of China.A.snowB.is snowingC.snowsD.snew 满分:2 分
6.There is ( )polluted water in the factory.A.lotB.muchC.manyD.plenty 满分:2 分
7.( ),the children went to the park.A.It was a fine dayB.Being a fine dayC.It being a fine dayD.Because the fine day 满分:2 分
8.I don't need ( )mineral water,but I'd like ( )tea,thanks.A.some,anyB.any,anyC.any,someD.many,some 满分:2 分
9.( )please say it again A.Are youB.Would youC.Have youD.Do you 满分:2 分
10.It's really hard for us to ( )all poisonous gases.A.get rid to;B.get rid ofC.get the ridD.give rid of 满分:2 分
11.The cat in the bag made ( )sound.A.onesB.noC.the otherD.any 满分:2 分
12.This is an old house,the cover ( )had been torn.A.of whichB.whichC.of whoseD.of that 满分:2 分
13.He was born in a rich family,but ( )he became a criminal.A.later in his lifeB.later in his livingC.later on his lifeD.later at his life 满分:2 分
14.There isn’t ( ) in the office.A.anyoneB.everyoneC.nobodyD.any people 满分:2 分
15.Quite often after dinner,they ( )music in a pub and ( )home about midnight.A.are playing,are goingB.will play,are goingC.play,goD.played,went 满分:2 分
16.They found a ( )old woman( )on the ground when the door was broken open.A.dying,lyingB.dead,layingC.died,lyingD.death,died 满分:2 分
17.I still remember the year( )I first came to this beautiful city.A.whichB.in whichC.thatD.for which 满分:2 分
18.From here,we can see the bridge ( )construction.A.belowB.byC.underD.with 满分:2 分
19.John is learning Chinese.( )his sister.A.So doesB.Neither isC.Nor doesD.So is 满分:2 分
20.Dr Dewey has four sons:( )is in London and ( )in New York.A.one,the othersB.one,othersC.one,anotherD.another,one

北航12年12月课程考试1.We students often help and learn from ( )other.A.allB.eachC.everyD.one 满分:2 分2.( )my opinion,there should be fewer examinations once students enter university.A.ToB.AtC.InD.For 满分:2 分3.It was not

北航12年12月课程考试1.We students often help and learn from ( )other.A.allB.eachC.everyD.one 满分:2 分2.( )my opinion,there should be fewer examinations once students enter university.A.ToB.AtC.InD.For 满分:2 分3.It was not 北航12年6月课程考试《大学英语预备级2》考核试题1.“( )the blue bus come here ” “ Every twenty minutes .” A.How fass has B.How soon will C.How long is D.How often does 满分:2 分2.( )helping a child in danger on 2006年9~12月实事政治快考试了 谁有新东方英语四级网络课程12月的. 09年12月英语六级考答什么时候出09年12月英语六级考试答案什么时候出? 2012年7—12月国内外重大时政我考试要用的 谁知道英语四级准考证什么时候发啊12月考试 求12春北航《大学英语预备级1》在线作业一、二、三答案 中医大2011年1月考试课程《系统解剖学》在线作业一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分.)V 1.可以主动调节晶状体曲度的是:A.睫状体B.睫状肌C.睫状突D.睫状小带E.瞳孔括约肌满分:5 分2.第1、2 中医大2011年7月考试课程《开放英语2》在线作业 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 单选题 一、单选题(共 50 道单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分.)V 1.Mary ( ) the keys to her bedroom at last.A.findsB.findC.found 帮忙查09年12月大学英语六级成绩 准考证340490092200311姓名:王娟 学校:池州职业技术学院 考试类别:英语六级 北航翻译硕士主要学什么课程?会涉及笔译或口译吗?科技英语是个什么情况? 2010 英语A级考试答案12月 19号的 12月24号考试,文科学生物理很差,请求帮助“临阵磨枪”顺利通过,避免补考, STU*fun(STU a[],int 谁有北师大版小学数学三年级上册第六单元复习课件?限时至2012年12月3日结束。我12月三日考试 中南大学09年12月英语四级彻底取消笔试吗考试的具体形式在学校网站可以查到的吗? 2010年12月剑桥商务英语BEC中级 找口语搭档一个 要求:考点在南师.最低要求四级过.找考试时能一起考的搭档 我表示找上考场的口语搭档。你找好考试时的口语搭档了?还是准备考试当天随