句子成份分析growing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients.growing competitive pressures是主语may be encoraging我知道ing形式是对现在的情况表推测,但是这个现在分词是什

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 02:17:27

句子成份分析growing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients.growing competitive pressures是主语may be encoraging我知道ing形式是对现在的情况表推测,但是这个现在分词是什
growing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients.
growing competitive pressures是主语
may be encoraging我知道ing形式是对现在的情况表推测,但是这个现在分词是什么用法,是个什么语法现象,may be encouraging在句中做什么成份
to bend the rules in favor of clients.这个是什么成份

句子成份分析growing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients.growing competitive pressures是主语may be encoraging我知道ing形式是对现在的情况表推测,但是这个现在分词是什
growing competitive pressures是主语 (正确)
may be encoraging我知道ing形式是对现在的情况表推测,但是这个现在分词是什么用法,是个什么语法现象,may be encouraging在句中做什么成份
(ing形式不是表推测,may才是表推测,may 后接谓语动词原形,即be,ecnouraging和be构成了进行时,be doing)
auditors是宾语吗 (是的)
to bend the rules in favor of clients.这个是什么成份
(auditors为宾语,to bend the rules in favor of clients为宾语补足语,用来补充和说明auditors所发出的动作)