请问大家in increasing numbers中的in 做何翻译,如何理解?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:44:04

请问大家in increasing numbers中的in 做何翻译,如何理解?
请问大家in increasing numbers中的in 做何翻译,如何理解?

请问大家in increasing numbers中的in 做何翻译,如何理解?
这是个介词短语,如:there is a book on the table ,看on the table 叫介词短语.介词加一个看得见或可以想象出的的纯名词,它表示的是“静态介词短语”,但是,如果表示的是“动态介词短语”则用“介词+动词的ing形式(即动词的现在分词)”结构,看下面的例子就容易明白英语中介词的另外一个很了不起的用法(万能胶介词表达法)
he put a lot of books (onto the donkey 's back )(他把很多书放到驴背上)
he followed some passengers (into the room ) (他跟随一些旅客进入了那个房间)
what is (on the plate) (盘子里有什么)?更多的介词短语:
(in the day time ,with a book in one' s hand ,from behind the tree,.)
we must make full use of logical thought( in comprehending English ) “ 在理解英语方面”,我们必须充分利用逻辑思维)
he is good( at laughing at others) (他擅长“嘲笑别人”)(比较:he is good at Chinese,他擅长汉语),he finished his homework (by using computer) (“通过使用电脑”,他完成了他的作业).有一个抽象句型表示:we do B in doing C ,(意思理解为)在做C方面,我们(应该)做B (才行·)如:they worship teacher Li in driving car .(在驾车方面他们崇拜李老师)
they are delightful(at hearing that news ) (听到那个消息,他们很高兴)
they broke the bowls at seeing the rotten vegetables(他们一看到腐烂的菜时,他们便把碗摔了)
可以用不同的介词,但后面如果接动词,再强调一下必须用动词的现在分词形式,用in表示在某方面做..,用at表示的动作比较短暂.还有其他介词都自从本说.通过上述说明,in increasing numbers 就是“在增加的数字方面,(你提的问题绝不是一句完整的话)活译即为“在不断增加的数字(值)中”.只有以具体的句子告诉你具体的介词用法,学生才能理解一系列“介词的用法”,英语的学习必须借助于句子,才能提问题,从而解决问题.所以为了学好英语,学习句子的翻译,理解的技巧比什么都重要.因为我们学习外语的最终目的就是翻译(而不是填空,改错,辨析,或只回答文章中的人文故意制造的“言外之意”,有时正是他们把我们搞迷了,或把我们弄得犹豫不决,裹足不前,杞人忧天,草木皆兵...),总之,离开句子记语法是最无效和最容易出错的笨方法.

请问大家in increasing numbers中的in 做何翻译,如何理解? 英语翻译Mendeleev arranged the known elements in order of increasing atomic weight (molar mass)请问这句话后面的increasing atomic 英语:现在分词 句子成分分析The Olympic Movement creates cultural diversity in the Movement, increasing its attraction.(奥林匹克运动确定了运动的多元性文化,使它更具凝聚力.)请问increasing its attraction increasing increasing increasing Americans are having them in ever-increasing numbers.变...中国话 短语翻译:Increasing institutional visibility in the local market An increasing popuation is an e------ probem in many countries The population in that country____slowly nowThe population in that country (is increasing slowly now为什么要用is increasing nu'est 高中英语The number of the students in senior high school,( )is mentioned above,is increasing.The number of the students in senior high school,( )is mentioned above,is increasing.A.as B.which C.what D.that请问定语从句中什么情况下才用 英语翻译Hop sha,Daca ma`ntelegi da` daca nu,Nu te`ntrista!Hop sha,Daca stii sa numeri~Numar` 1,2 si!Cateodata seara stau pe spate si ma uit in sus!Altii numara cate stele`s,da` io cate nu`s.Nu`ncerca degeaba ca oricum nu reusestiDoar de numeri pa the number of the books in the library_____.A.is increasing B.are increasing C.bering increased D.have increased 求两组以IN和NU开头的反义词如install--uninstall 请问大家built-in 是有关房子家具之类的. Cleopatra Stratan - Ghita Hainita sta in cui Afara soare nu-i Nimic nu-i bun de cand Ma gandesc la Ghita Dar Ghita nu-i in sat Eu m-am interesat Imi pare ca-i plecat Dupa granita...Greu' tare mi-i de greu' Vreau' da nu stiu ce vreau; Stiu ca si tu ma 求准确解释(关于population)The reporter notes that rhino populations are increasing in some areas.voa中有一个这样的句子,请问这里为什么population用复数.肯定是这样的。 The Word Health Organization says the spread of new diseases is increasing,as countries become more___ each other.请问各位高手这是选哪个词组了,分不太清楚,absence from/ dependent on/ base on/ inform somebody of/ in the eyes of