我要向我的父母要些钱.I am going to ______ my parents _______ money.请向他要那本书。Please ______ him _______ the book.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 22:10:46

我要向我的父母要些钱.I am going to ______ my parents _______ money.请向他要那本书。Please ______ him _______ the book.
我要向我的父母要些钱.I am going to ______ my parents _______ money.
请向他要那本书。Please ______ him _______ the book.

我要向我的父母要些钱.I am going to ______ my parents _______ money.请向他要那本书。Please ______ him _______ the book.
ask for
ask sb for sth.
ask for sth.

ask for

ask for

ask for

我要向我的父母要些钱.I am going to ______ my parents _______ money.请向他要那本书。Please ______ him _______ the book. I'am just goin' with it 英语好的帮我翻译一下,hey.i was goin' over here,and I came across ur place.U appear to be 请代我向你的父母问好(英语) 童年中为啥向我讲述父母的故事? “我就是我”的英文是“I am that I am”还是“I am what I am”? 关于as soon as我在网上看到as soon as的用法,但是看了一个例子又觉得有些奇怪在时间状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时.as soon as 一……就……,引导的就是时间状语从句; I am goin u really had me goin.And i think i just like u so dayum 一个女生对我说的 感恩父母作文350字左右.最好要向四年级写的,我水平一般. 感恩父母作文350字左右.最好要向四年级写的,我水平一般. 我最想感谢父母给予我的是什么?我最想向父母说的一句贴心话是什么? 我要一篇英文作文,关於i am sorry的! I am going to ___ ___ my parents about this matter.我打算跟我父母商量这件事. 英语翻译I'v been brokehearted ever since the day we partied (我们分开后我的心就碎了)I didn't know where to turn to ever since you went away (你走后我甚至不知道要去哪里)I goin' in circles wander if really hurts you “我就是我”怎么说I am who am I还是I am what am I还是? 我的父母作文 父母眼中的我 英语翻译父母的爱是用生命和情意编织的毛衣我要永远穿着它父母的爱是隐形的翅膀我要乘着这双翅膀带着父母的爱飞过困难,飞向坚强