英语翻译日增加潜艇至22艘应对中国海军Japan has increased 22 submarines to deal with china.中国将遭遇剧烈大风和雨雪 ,局地降温18℃ China will be suffer from violent winds and sleet that lower the 18'C in some region.法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:26:30

英语翻译日增加潜艇至22艘应对中国海军Japan has increased 22 submarines to deal with china.中国将遭遇剧烈大风和雨雪 ,局地降温18℃ China will be suffer from violent winds and sleet that lower the 18'C in some region.法
Japan has increased 22 submarines to deal with china.
中国将遭遇剧烈大风和雨雪 ,局地降温18℃
China will be suffer from violent winds and sleet that lower the 18'C in some region.
The trend of workout in France will not settle down in a short time,the government .
居民缺铁性贫血严重 卫生部启动铁强化酱油项目
The serious lack of iron in residents deficiency anemia,the health department has carried
on the project of iron fortified soysaurce.
小学综合楼栏杆坍塌致27名学生伤 ,柳州全力救治
Liuzhou makes great effort to rescue the 27 students who were injured by the collapse
building handrails in primary school.
墨西哥沿海发生6.9级地震 目前无伤亡报告
The coast of Mexico has happend 6.9 degree earthquake and no reports about injures and
death at presant.
朝鲜核试验基地活动频繁 韩官方称未必会进行核试
The nuclear experiment base in north korea active frequent,however,the offical in south
korea declares that maynot execute the nuclear text.
The acquisition of cotton in Xinjiang reports:Troublely cotton processing textile
姚明坦承畏惧禁区对抗 教练督促小巨人克服心魔
YaoMing confessed himself fear compete with others in restrict area ,however,the couch asked
him to overcoming the mental devil.
台风期间亚运火炬如期传递 相关城市制订应急预案
The torch of AsianGames pass on schedule in peiod of tyhoon and the emergency plan was
establised in the related city.
Nineteen Wuhan turists who were trapped in Taiwan suhua road have returned home.
"鲇鱼"减弱为强热带风暴 福建迎大风降温
The tyhoon called "catfish" has weakened be strong tropical strom and will brings fujian
strong wind and lower tempreture.
Uropean Union warning Italy to clearing the rubbish
Prime minister WenJiaBao emphised economic competitive must be
rely on creative when he investigate in hubei.
The policy which charged flim license fees for internet cafes and coach moives
长江口一渔船遇大风沉没 16人下落不明
A fishboat sinked after encountered strongwind in yangtze river estuary and sixteen people
The conference in financial of G20 and central bank president gain sinificant progress
China focus:"mengniu"and some other online deframation case is texting commerce
operating environment in china
The new trend in down industries in this winter:nomal fashion add Electric-commerce.
南宁市签下125个项目 总投资505.37亿元
Nannin invested five hundreds and five billion thirty-seven miliion in 125 new projects

英语翻译日增加潜艇至22艘应对中国海军Japan has increased 22 submarines to deal with china.中国将遭遇剧烈大风和雨雪 ,局地降温18℃ China will be suffer from violent winds and sleet that lower the 18'C in some region.法
Japan has increased submarines to 22 to deal with china navy.
注释:这句话基本没有语法错误,但是中国海军有固定说法:China navy.
2.中国将遭遇剧烈大风和雨雪 ,局地降温18℃
China will suffer from gale and rain with snow, where the temperature will be lowered by 18'C in some region.
注释: suffer 本身是动词,而且这里也无需用被动语态,China作为名词可以直接跟suffer from.
violent wind表示狂风的意思,建议用gale(随季节变化的大风,强风,一般天气预报中都用这个词,如果是龙卷风一类的强风,则还有其他专用词)
rain with snow表示雨夹雪的意思.sleet表示的是冻雨.
局地降温则需要用到被动语态,表示温度被降低. 至于降温多少度,则需要用到by(这时固定用法).
3.法国罢工潮短期难平息, 政府想打退休改革速决战
French Strikes can not be subsided in a short term, the Frace government want to reform the retirement system as soon as possible.
注释:法国罢工潮的英文为French Strikes(这是固定用法,复数表示).
退休制度:retirement system,
本句的速决战,则可直接用as soon as possible,表示政府想尽管搞定这次退休制度改革.
4.居民缺铁性贫血严重 卫生部启动铁强化酱油项目
Because of serious iron-deficiency anemia happened to residents,the Ministry of Health has started up the project of iron fortified soy sauce.
注释:缺铁性贫血的医学专业词汇:iron-deficiency anemia
卫生部:Ministry of Health.
启动:start up
铁强化酱油:iron fortified soy sauce.
5.小学综合楼栏杆坍塌致27名学生伤 ,柳州全力救治
Liuzhou government makes great effort to rescue the 27 students who suffered hurts in the accidents of collapse of building handrails in a primary school.
在事故中受伤:suffered hurts in the accidents .
6.墨西哥沿海发生6.9级地震 目前无伤亡报告
a magnitude 6.9 earthquake was happened in the coastal region of Mexico, no casualty report recently
沿海地区:coastal region
地震的说法:a magnitude+级别数字 +earthquake
伤亡事故报告:casualty report.
7.朝鲜核试验基地活动频繁 韩官方称未必会进行核试
The nuclear experiment base in north korea has been active frequently,however,the offical in south
korea declares that they(north korea) may not execute the nuclear trial.
The procurement investigation of cotton in Xinjiang: Cotton processing textile enterprise were in trouble.
注释:acquisition 不要乱用哈,这在国外是并购合并企业的意思;收购用procurement或者purchase即可.
举步维艰不要直接翻译出来,直接用be in trouble(陷入困境中)即可
9.姚明坦承畏惧禁区对抗 教练督促小巨人克服心魔
YaoMing admited that he fears to compete with others in restricted area ,however,the couch asked him to overcome such fear.
禁区:restricted area.
ask sb to do sth是固定用法
10.台风期间亚运火炬如期传递 相关城市制订应急预案
The torch of the AsianGames has been passed on schedule in peiod of tyhoon, and the emergency plan was establised in the related city.
注释:火炬传递是要人来完成的,所以记得用被动语态,我这里还用了完成时态,你也可以直接些...games was passed...
Nineteen turists from Wuhan who had been trapped in Taiwan suhua road returned home.
12."鲇鱼"减弱为强热带风暴 福建迎大风降温
The tyhoon called "catfish" has weakened and changed to strong tropical strom, which will bring Fujian province strong wind and lower tempreture.
另外两句话之间可用which 引导的定语从句.
European Union warned Italy to clear the rubbish
注释:warn sb to do sth
14.温家宝在湖北武汉考察, 强调要靠创造提高经济竞争力
The Chinese Prime WenJiaBao emphased that, economic competitive power must be enhanced on a basis of creation during his investigation in Wuhan,Hubei province.
The policy which charges moive payment of royalty to internet bars and coaches.
注释:电影版权费即版权税,有固定说法:payment of royalty
charge A to B是固定搭配.
16.长江口一渔船遇大风沉没 16人下落不明
A fishboat encountered strongwind in ChangJiang river estuary and sinked, and sixteen persons missed.
significant progress was achieved in the conference between financials of G20 and central bank president .
China focus:the China commercial environment has been put on the test by internet slander cases like "Meng Niu case" .
put on the test表示受到考验的意思.
The new trend of down industries in this winter:nomal fashion plus Electric-commerce.
注释:这话我觉得也就这样翻译了,不过注意(trend) of 和plus(+)的用法.
20.南宁市签下125个项目 总投资505.37亿元
Nannin City government invested 50.537 billion to 125 new projects
这里应该也Nanning City Government 哈
invest sth to sth 是固定用法.
505.37亿元可以拼写成fifty billion five hundred and thirty-seven million

英语翻译日增加潜艇至22艘应对中国海军Japan has increased 22 submarines to deal with china.中国将遭遇剧烈大风和雨雪 ,局地降温18℃ China will be suffer from violent winds and sleet that lower the 18'C in some region.法 2012年9月5日上午,中国首艘航空母舰“辽宁”号正式交接入列.航母入列,对于提高中国海军综合作战力量现代化水平、增强防卫作战能力,发展远海合作与应对非传统安全威胁能力,有效维护国 4月23日是中国海军建军60周年纪念日举行海上阅兵仪式展示了中国海军的军威参加演习的某艘军舰排水量为3000吨(海水的密度是为水的密度)1:当这艘军舰满载行驶时受到的浮力是多少?2:卸 中国如何应对金融危机 英语翻译 中国的潜艇总数和最大的潜艇,以及最大的军舰吨位电视上看小日本增加了潜艇由16个增加到22个,听专家说得挺NB的 请大师们介绍给我中国的海上力量如何要是打能打过小日本鬼子吗 英语翻译既符合家庭使用人群在应对灾难来临时的需求,又能在平时不显累赘,增加功能的多样性.小弟感激不尽~ 俄库尔斯克号核潜艇沉没与美潜艇有关吗?听说是因为中国海军参观此次俄海军演习 就是购买”暴风雪“ 鱼雷 所以美海军就一直跟踪它的动向 不料. 一艘( )潜艇潜入水中 中国海军是第一次通过苏伊士运河吗?据报道,当地时间2010年7月24日,“广州”舰,“巢湖”舰通过苏伊士运河,进入地中海.这是中国海军首次进入地中海吗? 如何应对10月11日SAT成绩大面积延迟 中国海军去亚丁湾索马里海护航为什么只有几艘舰艇,觉得好丢人啊 中国海军近代发展历程 中国海军舰艇简介 中国海军何时建立? 中国海军成立时间? 中国海军成立时间 如何参加中国海军 英语翻译lam j roj?