发现各个句子的不正确部份和然后改正它:Example:They wuggested me to be monitor in our class._a_ _elected_ 1.Millie considered the last question brief.___ _____2.We agreed to vote of her .___ _____3.Joyce took the charge of the meeting

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:22:52

发现各个句子的不正确部份和然后改正它:Example:They wuggested me to be monitor in our class._a_ _elected_ 1.Millie considered the last question brief.___ _____2.We agreed to vote of her .___ _____3.Joyce took the charge of the meeting
They wuggested me to be monitor in our class._a_ _elected_
1.Millie considered the last question brief.
___ _____
2.We agreed to vote of her .
___ _____
3.Joyce took the charge of the meeting.
___ _____
4.We made a list of some else things to discuss.
___ _____
5.Should it be free to readers?
___ _____
6.Pansy asks which section they would want to have.
___ _____
7.We'd better not to take a plane there.
___ _____
8.Joyce told them talking about it among themselves.
___ _____
1.a.considered b.the c.last d.brief
2.a.agreed b.to c.of d.her.
3.a.Joyce b.took c.the d.of
4.a.made b.alist of c.some else d.to
5.a.Should b.it c.be d.to
6.a.asks b.which c.they d.would want
7.a.We'd b.better c.to take d.there
8.a.told b.talking c.about d.among

发现各个句子的不正确部份和然后改正它:Example:They wuggested me to be monitor in our class._a_ _elected_ 1.Millie considered the last question brief.___ _____2.We agreed to vote of her .___ _____3.Joyce took the charge of the meeting
3.c.charge (the不要)
4.c.something else
6.d.would like to have
7.c.take (to不要)
8.c.to talk

发现各个句子的不正确部份和然后改正它:Example:They wuggested me to be monitor in our class._a_ _elected_ 1.Millie considered the last question brief.___ _____2.We agreed to vote of her .___ _____3.Joyce took the charge of the meeting Tere are some apple on the tree 判断这句子是否正确,不正确的请改正 判断下列句子是否正确,不正确的请改正.Children usually like ice creams. 判断下列句子是否正确不正确的改正How is Tony?He is very good 判断下列句子是否正确,不正确的请改正:Is it his,also? 判断句子,不正确的改正 I do not want you hurt yourselves. 判断下列句子是否正确,不正确的请改正:Is it his,also? Tere is some newspaper on the table 判断这句子是否正确,不正确的请改正 如何才能发现自己的不足和缺点,该怎么改正 英语句子正确不正确请问各位大师这个句子正确不正确:I went to sleep early because I was going to go to school.说出这个句子的意思,如果不正确,请改正 由于雨水偏少,地里的庄稼长的良莠不齐.改正这个句子中使用不正确的词语. 判断下列句子是否正确,不正确的请改正. Children usually like ice creams. The Toms likes mince very what are you all keeping very good ,thank you.(判断下列句子是否正确,不正确的请改正) 划去括号里不正确的词语,和对号入座狮子是森林里最为(凶恶 凶猛)的野兽之一,它一旦(发现 发明)了猎物,就(迅捷 敏捷)地飞奔过去,飞快地用爪子(抓住 按住)猎物,然后张开(宽大 找出下列句子的错别字,然后改正接上很热闹,人来人网,穿留不息 求这几道题我做的是否正确 若不正确请改正 量角器各个部份名称叫什么? 然后在方格图中分别画出一个与它面积相等的平行四边形和梯形,并写出所画梯形各个顶点的位置.