the man said that he can't but ——————the house at a low price.A to sell B sell C selingD sold .哪个正确,为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 03:29:36

the man said that he can't but ——————the house at a low price.A to sell B sell C selingD sold .哪个正确,为什么?
the man said that he can't but ——————the house at a low price.A to sell B sell C seling
D sold .

the man said that he can't but ——————the house at a low price.A to sell B sell C selingD sold .哪个正确,为什么?
B can't but do 别无他法,只好这样做.固定用法