i have lived in New York and London but I don't like(  ) city.I like Sydney.A  either  Bneither

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 09:18:26

i have lived in New York and London but I don't like(  ) city.I like Sydney.A  either  Bneither
i have lived in New York and London but I don't like(  ) city.I like Sydney.
A  either  Bneither

i have lived in New York and London but I don't like(  ) city.I like Sydney.A  either  Bneither
选A 表示两者一个都不喜欢,用either ,neither一般和of 连用
翻译; 我曾在纽约和伦敦住过,但是这两个城市我都不喜欢,我喜欢悉尼

A 任何一个

~~~~满意请将此选为“满意答案”,多谢!(*^__^*) ~~~~




B,指两个城市都不喜欢。A是指2者之一 ,相信我,我做过的,不对你来找我

have lived,livedwhere is your new home now?in the new developed zone.But I ____ downtown for five years.答案是lived,不可用have lived? I have lived in New York and Chicago,but do notlike () of them very much -Where is your new home now?-In the new developed zone.But I _____downtown for five years.A.have lived D.had lived C.lived D.was living怎么不选B i have lived in New York and London but I don't like(  ) city.I like Sydney.A  either  Bneither I have lived in London for two years 是什么时态 I have lived in shenyang since city.神马意思? I have lived in Shenzhen since 1998.的同义句 I have lived in Shenzhen for 4 years的同义 I have lived in Beijing for four years.同义句子I have lived in Beijing ____four years_____. I come to New York when i was ten and _____here ever since.A .lived B.have lived C.had lived D.were living ---Where is your new home now?---In the new developed zone.But I ___ downtown for five years.A.have lived B.had lived C.lived D.was Living我觉得应该是A或B,可答案为什么是C呢它有一个FOR啊,接的还是时间段,我觉得就应该是 填空:I __in Shanghai since I was born in 1995.A.live B.lived C.have lived D.has lived what have I lived for? what I have lived for I have lived in Harbin for six years.=I ____ in Harbin _____ _____ _____ A long time ago,I _______ in for three years.选择一项:a.lived b.had lived c.have been living d.have lived I ______ in London for ten years when I was a child.A. was living B. had lived C. have lived D. lived I have been lived in France for seven years,这两句那句是对的?为什么?I have lived in France for seven years ,