一:Crocodiles lay their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand,and the baby crocodiles only livein hot places.They are found in India,Australia,Africa and America where they spend most of their time lying in the mud or the river.The crocodile's

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:31:54

一:Crocodiles lay their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand,and the baby crocodiles only livein hot places.They are found in India,Australia,Africa and America where they spend most of their time lying in the mud or the river.The crocodile's
一:Crocodiles lay their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand,and the baby crocodiles only live
in hot places.They are found in India,Australia,Africa and America where they spend most of their time lying in the mud or the river.The crocodile's tail is long and strong; it is used when the animal is swimming.It's also good for fighting,because one blow of it will knock down a man or even a big animal at once.
  The crocodile can stay away from danger under its hard bony plates(鳞片).These bony plates cover most of its body.The crocodile can only see in front of itself,because it can't turn its head from side to side.
  After eating,the crocodile can't clean its own teeth because it can't move its tongue up and down.The crocodile bird will follow it to eat the food left in the crocodile's mouth.The bird helps the crocodile to clean its teeth.
With its hard and sharp teeth the crocodile catches its food-maybe a fish,an animal or even an unlucky man,and the crocodile holds his food below the water until his food dies.
二:Mr and Mrs Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year.They (41) their car outside and went in.Mr Moore had never got drunk (醉) before,so he was (42) not to drink too much,(43) his friends asked him to drink more (44).
During the party,Mrs Moore found that she had (45) to bring her bag,so she asked her husband to go out to the car and (46) it for her.He (47) so,but on his way back to the hotel gate,he heard a car horn(喇叭) blowing near his own car.He thought (48) might be in need of help and went over to the car with the (49) .He found a small black bear sitting in the driving-seat and blowing the horn.
When Mr Moore (50) the party,he told several people about the bear,but of course they did not believe him and thought he was drunk.When he took them out of the hotel to (51) that his story was (52),he found that the car with the (53) in it had gone.There were so many (54) about Mr Moore’s black bear during the next week that he at last put an advertisement(广告)in the newspaper;“If anyone saw a black bear blowing the horn in a car outside the Century Hotel (55) the evening of Christmas Day,please tell…”
Tow days later (56) Mrs Richards called him and said that she and her husband had left their pet (宠物) bear in their car outside the Century Hotel for a few minutes that evening,and that (57) he had blown the horn.
Mrs Richards did not (58) to think there was anything (59) about that.“Our bear likes blowing car horns,”she said,“and we don‘t (60) when we are not driving the car.”

一:Crocodiles lay their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand,and the baby crocodiles only livein hot places.They are found in India,Australia,Africa and America where they spend most of their time lying in the mud or the river.The crocodile's
(一)鳄鱼把它们的蛋产在树叶或者沙石下,而幼鳄则指居住在炎热的地方它们大部分时间在印度 澳大利亚 非洲以及美洲的河流或者湿泥里度过.鳄鱼的尾巴短而有力,尾巴在鳄鱼游动时就会起到作用 同时尾巴也是有力的武器 因为鳄鱼一旦甩动尾巴就可以立刻将一个成年人或者甚至是一个体积庞大的动物击倒.
在它坚硬鳞片的保护下 鳄鱼可以远离危险,鳄鱼只能看见它正前方的物体因为它的头无法左右移动
在进食完以后 鳄鱼无法清理自己的口腔 因为它的舌头不能上下摆动.而鳄鸟则会追随在鳄鱼左右吃掉它嘴里剩下的食物 同时帮它清理口腔
由于有着坚硬的而又锋利的牙齿 鳄鸟能够捕捉到的食物有很多----也许会是一条鱼 一只动物 在、甚至一个不幸的人,鳄鱼会把它的食物摁在水里 直到其死去.
(二)一年 莫尔夫妇被邀请去参加一个在宾馆里举行的圣诞宴会.他们把车亭子外边外边就走了进去.以前莫尔先生从没有喝醉过,因此他很注意平时的喝酒的量,即使他的朋友一直要求他多喝一点.
在宴会中 莫尔夫人发现她忘了带自己的包包,因此她就叫她得丈夫去外面的车上给她拿.莫尔先生照做了,但是在他回宾馆门口的路上他听到他隔壁车子的喇叭响了.他以为也许是某个人需要帮助于是拿着包包走了过去.他发现一直小黑熊坐在驾驶座上载按喇叭响.
当莫尔先生回到宴会时他告诉他的朋友们有关这熊的事,但是理所当然的人们不相信他因为人们觉得他喝醉了.当莫尔先生带着他们出来去证明这事是真的时,他发现那部有熊在里面的车子已经不见了.在接下来的一周里有很多关于莫尔先生发现的熊的笑话最后莫尔先生在报纸上登出一则广告“如果有人在圣诞节晚上看见一只黑色的熊在世纪宾馆的外观按喇叭 ,请通知.”

一:Crocodiles lay their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand,and the baby crocodiles only livein hot places.They are found in India,Australia,Africa and America where they spend most of their time lying in the mud or the river.The crocodile's 英语翻译Crocodiles lay their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand.Baby crocodiles have special sharp teeth with which to break their way out of the shells.Crocodiles only live where it is hot.They are found in India,Australia,Africa and Ameri lay it on the 英语翻译I fed the bears and crocodiles翻译ask[变形容词] the bony plates cover most of crocodiles' bodies句子翻译 直译和译意 ----- can live on land or in the water.A.Crocodiles B.Whles C.Eagles 填什么 baby crocodiles have special sharp teeth which to break their way out of the shells ()prefer to eat in the evening A.lions B.crocodiles C.kangerous D.elephants 高一单词拼写Dead and w____ people lay everywhere after the terrible accident lay The boy didn't___to me.Last night,he actually__the ipad and then__in bedA.lie,laid,lay B,lie,lay,laid C.lay,laid,lay D.lie,lay,lay 英语翻译the tiger's prey had benn stolen by crocodiles,he had to go in the water and steal it back.he didi from a colony of crocodiles.the tiger's prey had been stolen by crocodiles,he had to go in the water and steal it back.he did it from a col Lay加一字母成新单词 Kitty lay in bed .Kitty heard someone was knocking on the door .两句合并为一句 lay the foundation of造句两条 请看一改错题 then i lay down again with the quilt covered my head then i lay down again with the quilt covered my head.为什么要把covered 改成covering ,被子不是被人盖的吗? the boy lay on the grass,staring at the sky为什么lay不用现在分词? Owing to the economic recession,the factory had no choice but to ______ hundreds of laborers.A lay down B .lay off C.lay aside D.lay away