选择正确的单词let's go by taxi,_________(shall we ;will you)请说明原因

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:11:38

选择正确的单词let's go by taxi,_________(shall we ;will you)请说明原因
选择正确的单词let's go by taxi,_________(shall we ;will you)请说明原因

选择正确的单词let's go by taxi,_________(shall we ;will you)请说明原因
Let's go by taxi, (shall we)?
解释:当用let's的时候是表示提建议,us包括说话人和对方,问句部分要用建议的另一种方式shall we.
当用let us时,有请求的意思,us并不包括说话的对方,这时问句才用will you,也表示请求.

选择正确的单词let's go by taxi,_________(shall we ;will you)请说明原因 Let's go to the park (one)用所给单词的正确形式 Let's()to the park this Saturday写出括号里正确的单词提示(go) 选择正确的答案完成对话(英语)Mum:__________Mike:Whice plane?Mum:__________Mike:It's nice.__________I want a green one.Mum:That one? It's nice. Let's go into the shop and by it.Mike:__________A:Great! B:But I don't like the colour.C:Dear 很简单很简单……选择合适的单词.how can i ___(get/get to) the shopping centre?how many stops ___(is/are) there?let's go to the supermarket and ___(by/buy) something to eat. Let's go home by subway的同义句 It’s going to rain soon.Let’s go .We can goIt’s going to rain soon.Let’s go .We can go fishing( ).A.late B.later C.letter 选择正确的选项. Let's ()(go)to the school library.根据所给单词的正确形式Let's ()(go)to the school library.根据所给单词的正确形式填空. let's to go to the park by bus 哪里错了let's to go to by 哪个单词错了? 一.正确抄写句子.was there a pop group at city square yes they played some loud music二.选择出括号部分发音不同的单词A.b(a)by B.p(ai)nt C.c(a)tch D.pl(ay) 2..A.j(oy) B.c(ou)nt C.t(oi)let D.s(oi)l 3. A.t(our) B.s(ur i(),let's go there by bus Let's go home (选择问句) l get to there by taxi 选择错误的一项并改正加 let‘s to go school by bus 选择错误的一项并改正再加 they home is next to the bookstore 选择错误的一项并改正 用所给单词的正确形式填空 Let's go to the park this afternoon .John and Mike ( )(go) tomorrow. 1、There's a pair of shoes aaaaa the floor.2、Let's go and ask aaaaa.请在下列单词中选择合适的单词填进“aaaaa”处中1、A、by B、at C、on2、A、she B、her C、I Let's go to the cinema t________ this evening.空格填单词.T是首字母. 选择正确的单词 Then let's go to the children's center by bus的意思