英语翻译How Important Is Winning?The answer to this question depends upon who is answering.For the young athletes themselves,the answer obviously is,“Not very.” When a national sample of youth,aged 10 to 18 years,were asked why they took part

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:26:00

英语翻译How Important Is Winning?The answer to this question depends upon who is answering.For the young athletes themselves,the answer obviously is,“Not very.” When a national sample of youth,aged 10 to 18 years,were asked why they took part
How Important Is Winning?
The answer to this question depends upon who is answering.For the young athletes themselves,the answer obviously is,“Not very.” When a national sample of youth,aged 10 to 18 years,were asked why they took part in sports,“to win” was not among the top ten reasons for girls and was only seventh on the list for boys.Moreover ,when these same young people were asked what they would change about sports,“less emphasis on winning” made the top ten on the list for both genders.Attitudes about the importance of winning change with the athletes’ ages.Younger athletes are more interested in the “fairness” of their games,while older athletes become more interested in winning.But even then,many young athletes say that they would rather play on a losing team than “sit on the bench” on a winning team.
However,if coaches and parents were asked how important winning is to their child’s success in sports,many of them clearly would answer:“VERY!” Even when program directors refuse to keep game scores or won-lost records,the other coaches and parents know exactly what the results are.For them,winning in youth games is important,and so quickly it develops that “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing,” as football coach Vince Lombardi has observed.

英语翻译How Important Is Winning?The answer to this question depends upon who is answering.For the young athletes themselves,the answer obviously is,“Not very.” When a national sample of youth,aged 10 to 18 years,were asked why they took part
这个问题的答案取决于回答者是谁.对于年轻运动员本身,答案显然是“不是非常重要.”当一个国家抽样的青年,10岁到18岁,被问到,为什莫参加体育活动,“去赢”并不属于女孩们的十大理由,也只位列男孩理由之第七位.此外,当他们被问到怎样去改变体育,“ 较少强调赢”却成为了男孩女孩们的十大理由之首.对于赢的重要性的态度是随着运动员的年龄而变化.年轻运动员更感兴趣的是“公平”,而老运动员变得更加感兴趣于胜利.但即使如此,许多年轻的运动员说,他们宁愿身处于一个输掉比赛的的团队而不愿处在一个“只能坐在板凳上”的冠军队里.
然而,如果教练和家长问他们,赢对于他们的孩子成功的体育生涯重要吗?,许多人显然会回答:“非常重要!”即使节目编导拒绝保存比赛成绩或输赢记录,其他教练和父母却清楚的知道结果.对于他们来说,赢在年轻运动员的比赛中是重要的,很快就形成了这样的说法“得奖并不代表一切,它确是唯一能证明你自己的事情,”正如足球教练Vince Lombardi 的评论.