英语问题pass _ _pen ,please .A her her ,B my mine,c your your,DHis ,his选哪个?为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:35:32

英语问题pass _ _pen ,please .A her her ,B my mine,c your your,DHis ,his选哪个?为什么?
英语问题pass _ _pen ,please .A her her ,B my mine,c your your,DHis ,his选哪个?为什么?

英语问题pass _ _pen ,please .A her her ,B my mine,c your your,DHis ,his选哪个?为什么?
A her her
第一个her是宾格,给她.如他则是pass him
如果这个句子换为男性的话,可以是pass him his ball pen.懂了吗

her her

her 她, 宾格,放在及物动词之后
her 所有格,她的,放在名词前面,修饰名词。

英语问题pass _ _pen ,please .A her her ,B my mine,c your your,DHis ,his选哪个?为什么? Have you ever seen _pen?I can't find it anywhere.Is it _ blue one?It is under the book.Have you ever seen _pen?I can't find it anywhere.Is it _ blue one?It is under the book.要理由,急,填a,thea,the 是错的 英语翻译1、an interesting place to go or thing to do_ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _2、talk with someone and ask him or her questions about something_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3、under the surface of the ground_ _ _ e _ _ _ o _ n _4、something that gives people ple Please pass on the message to Linda.(改为同义句) Please pass _ _ _ _ Linda. we didn't pass the math test 同义句we _ _ pass the math test 可以帮我看看下面的题目吗?在_里填上一个字母,让他们变成新词,要翻译_right _pen _hat _any _eat _love _now _old _late _ice _ear 不从所缺字母,补全单词sp_ing kangan_ _ cl_ _d gr_ndp_ mou_h m_nk_y j_ice f_ _merp_nd_ sk_te _pen cl_ck chi_ _en j_ck_t br_ _kfast m_sic pe_pl_ 关于英语听写练习的问题,跪求大神~~~~(>_ 英语小问题(赏分20,2道题哦!)1They can study wild plants in the forest.(改为单数)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.2The bike is blue.(就划线部分提问,划线部分是blue)_ _ _ _ _? ****_/*_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _*/****_/*_ _ _ _/_ _ _**/*_ _ _ _/****_/*_ _ _ _/_****/***_ _/****_/*_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _*/**_ _ _/_****/**_ _ _/**_ _ _/***_ _/_ _***/****_/ 我的问题:为什么解码出来后的分组数字是:41 94 41 81 41 63 在英语里pass是什么意思 pass...on 近义 英语 英语有关代词的语法问题_ _ and _ (我、你和他)are going fishing tomorrow. 英语(>_ 英语!(>_ We hope he will _(成功) pass the test 关于pass on的一个问题pass on 和 pass to 有什么区别?有pass on pass