请外贸英语高手帮忙翻译下·6. The quantity mentioned under the position "QTY RS" need to be passed to Chen Hunan Office (Mr. Roos / Ms. Zhao)the balance quantity "QTY HH" need to be shipped out to the requested destination. 7. Payment will

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 23:28:27

请外贸英语高手帮忙翻译下·6. The quantity mentioned under the position "QTY RS" need to be passed to Chen Hunan Office (Mr. Roos / Ms. Zhao)the balance quantity "QTY HH" need to be shipped out to the requested destination. 7. Payment will
6. The quantity mentioned under the position "QTY RS" need to be passed to Chen Hunan Office (Mr. Roos / Ms. Zhao)the balance quantity "QTY HH" need to be shipped out to the requested destination. 7. Payment will effect as follows: 50% payment will effect in September,50% balance payment will effect in February 2010 respectively when quality of the goods is confirmed. 8a. Shipment time has to be kept, we accept one week (+/-) of fluctuation in the shipment a delay of the arrival time of more than one week will be charged with a delay penalty of 5%/delay day due to the value of the delayed goods Beside this we reserve our rights to retain payments for any further loss occurred by delayed delivery or quality problems.Containers are to be shared with Liuhua Rocket factory or with Dongyang/Dancing Company. 9. The prices are subjected to a container freight rate of 8,500 USD/40''HC.in case the container freight rate will be lower, the difference need to be refunded to the buyer. in case the container freight rate will be higher, the difference need to be refunded to the supplier. It is a basic condition that the containers will be equipped with special silica gel stripes to absorb the humidity to avoid any damage at shipment cartons as well as to safe good function of the items.The goods have to be insured by 10% over their original value We can only accept to load maximum 3 different items inside one container. If there will be more than 3 items loaded inside a container without previous written agreement the additional unloading charges will be imposed to the supplier. 10. The invoice, packing list and container loading list has to be presented by email in one open excel data file latest 2 days after container loading respectively when full information are available/respectively when whole information (Vesselname, EDT, EAD & BL No.) is complete.The original invoice (1 set with stamp & authorized signature) as well as the B/L in original version or a copy of the stamped B/L in case of telex release,insurance certificate (value of goods +10%) and original Form A's have to be in our hands latest 2 weeks in advance of goods arrival.11. In case of quality problems/claims which are discovered during incoming goods inspections and/or claims of our customers we reserve our rights to deduct all overworking charges/claims from our payments.12. The order is placed under our general purchase conditions

请外贸英语高手帮忙翻译下·6. The quantity mentioned under the position "QTY RS" need to be passed to Chen Hunan Office (Mr. Roos / Ms. Zhao)the balance quantity "QTY HH" need to be shipped out to the requested destination. 7. Payment will

6。根据上述立场数量“数量遥感”要通过对陈湖南办事处(鲁斯先生/女士赵)余额数量“数量架HH”需要被运送到目的地的要求。 7。付款会影响如下:50%的款项将在9月起,50%余款将在2010年2月起分别对商品的质量得到证实。 8A条。装运时要保持,我们接受一个波动在装运了更多比一个星期到达时间延迟一周(+/-)将有5%的延误罚款收费/拖延一天,因价值旁边这一点,我们保留我们的权利,保留任何进一步的损...


6。根据上述立场数量“数量遥感”要通过对陈湖南办事处(鲁斯先生/女士赵)余额数量“数量架HH”需要被运送到目的地的要求。 7。付款会影响如下:50%的款项将在9月起,50%余款将在2010年2月起分别对商品的质量得到证实。 8A条。装运时要保持,我们接受一个波动在装运了更多比一个星期到达时间延迟一周(+/-)将有5%的延误罚款收费/拖延一天,因价值旁边这一点,我们保留我们的权利,保留任何进一步的损失支付的延迟交付或延迟发生的质量problems.Containers货物流花火箭能与工厂或与东阳/舞蹈公司共享。 9。价格受到了8500 USD/40 '' HC.in案件集装箱运价的集装箱运费率会降低,差异需要退还给买方。在案件的集装箱运费率较高,其差额必须退还给供应商。这是一个基本条件是有特殊的容器将硅胶条纹具备吸收湿度,以避免任何装运箱,以及安全的items.The货物良好功能损害,必须由被保险人10%以上的原价值我们只能接受最多3个不同的加载一个货柜内的物品。如果将在一个不经事先书面同意货柜装卸费用将增加向供应商施加负载超过3项。 10。发票,装箱单和货柜装载清单,必须通过电子邮件提出一打开Excel文件的最新数据后2天分别集装箱装载的全部信息,可/分别整个信息(Vesselname,美国东部时间,经济分析部及基本法号)是complete.The原始发票(1套邮票及负责人签字)作为B / L的原版本或已盖章的乙/ L的电传释放,保险证(货物价值10%的情况,以及复制)和原始表格A的要在我们手中将在2周最新商品arrival.11前进。在/这是在进货检验,发现质量问题索赔案/或我们的客户要求我们保留我们的权利,扣除所有操劳过度收费,由我们payments.12 /索赔。该命令被放置在我们一般购买条件


请外贸英语高手帮忙翻译下·6. The quantity mentioned under the position QTY RS need to be passed to Chen Hunan Office (Mr. Roos / Ms. Zhao)the balance quantity QTY HH need to be shipped out to the requested destination. 7. Payment will Husband and wife from the same birds that fly their imminent disaster!请英语高手翻译下 !英语水平不够 请高手帮忙翻译下 ! 请英语高手帮忙翻译下“Mens et Manus”, 高手帮忙!PLEASE QUOTE YOUR BEST CFR C3 BANDAR ABBAS IN PERSIAN GULF ASAPPLEASE QUOTE YOUR BEST CFR C3 BANDAR ABBAS IN PERSIAN GULF ASAP外贸英语,请高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢! 有外贸英语高手帮忙看下这样写有语病吗?Pls.kindly see the available有外贸英语高手帮忙看下这样写有语病吗?Pls.kindly see the available schedule of cable conductor for Taiwan inquiry as below. 高手帮忙翻译下歌曲 请英文高手帮忙翻译 外贸英语, 请高手帮忙翻译一下 !In respect of the shipment of Iron Ore that does not meet the Fe specifications set forth in Clause 3 the price referred to in Clause 4 shall be adjusted in accordance with Fe content as determined pursuant 请外贸英语高手帮忙翻译两句话,谢谢(英译汉)1.All the air fare, hotel bill, other expenses will be taken care of by us.2.so we are waiting to hear from you so that we can scan and send the passport copies of those to meet with you and 请帮忙翻译下 外贸英语,谁能翻译下!急! 请帮忙翻译下:the desk of the promotions manager what the fuck?请麻烦英语高手翻译下!急 英语翻译请高手江湖救急,急是一个标题,请帮忙翻译下 英语翻译请高手翻译下 请高手翻译下“商贸有限公司”, 帮忙翻译一下:外贸英语函电写作特点外贸英语函电写作特点帮我翻译一下这个 问the unite 请帮忙翻译下,急用,