定语从句的问题请帮我划分一下这些定语从句的成分,主谓宾,以及先行词等,要详细一点,1.the real truth is that we do not know enough to relieve global warming2.because societies that grow richer use more energy3.the desig

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:31:59

定语从句的问题请帮我划分一下这些定语从句的成分,主谓宾,以及先行词等,要详细一点,1.the real truth is that we do not know enough to relieve global warming2.because societies that grow richer use more energy3.the desig
1.the real truth is that we do not know enough to relieve global warming
2.because societies that grow richer use more energy
3.the designers who undertake green fashion still face many challenges
4.she will also have millions of fans who usually have little interest in the first lady
5.there is nothing that can prevent him from ding it
6.a prosperity taht had never been seen appears in the countryside

定语从句的问题请帮我划分一下这些定语从句的成分,主谓宾,以及先行词等,要详细一点,1.the real truth is that we do not know enough to relieve global warming2.because societies that grow richer use more energy3.the desig
1,the real truth 是主语,is 系动词做谓语,that 引导的是宾语从句做宾语!
2,是由because 引导的原因状语从句,在这个句子中主语是 societies ,that grow richer 是用来做定语修饰societies的,use是谓语,more energy是宾语!
3,the designers 是主语,who undertake green fashion 引导的是定语从句,是用来修饰the designers 的,still face 是动词做谓语 many challenges是名词做宾语!
4,she 是主语,will also have 是谓语millions of fans 是宾语,后面的从句是定语从句.
5,there 是主语is nothing是谓语和宾语,后面的的从句是宾语补足语.
6,a prosperity 是主语,taht had never been seen 是定语从句用来修饰a prosperity 的,appears是谓语,后面的介词短语是用来修饰appears的
总结,其实分句子成分是很简单的事情,下面我把我的经验告诉你,但是你能把分加高吗?我高考考了137分,为了你这几分 手都酸了!

1.the real truth is that we do not know enough to relieve global warming
这是一个表语从句。that 是引导词,we 从句的主语,do not know enough 是谓语,to relieve glober warming 作后置定语,修饰enough。
2.because societies that ...


1.the real truth is that we do not know enough to relieve global warming
这是一个表语从句。that 是引导词,we 从句的主语,do not know enough 是谓语,to relieve glober warming 作后置定语,修饰enough。
2.because societies that grow richer use more energy
societies 是先行词,that grow richer 是定语部分,用括号括起来就容易理解了。that 是关系代词,在从句中充当主语,grow richer 是谓语。
3.the designers who undertake green fashion still face many challenges
这句话跟上面那句是一样的结构,who undertake green fashion 是定语从句,修饰the desighners,后面的still face many challenges 是主句的谓语。
4.she will also have millions of fans who usually have little interest in the first lady
who usually have little interest in the first lady 是定语从句,修饰fans。其中,who 是关系代词,在句中作主语。
5.there is nothing that can prevent him from ding it
that can prevent him from ding it 修饰nothing。that 是关系代词,作主语。
6.a prosperity taht had never been seen appears in the countryside
taht had never been seen appears in the countryside 修饰a prosperity。that 作主语,had never been seen appears 是谓语,in the countryside 作 appear 的补语,表示地点。


1.the real truth(主语) is(系动词) that we do not know enough to relieve global warming(表语)表语从句
2.because societies(主语 )(that grow richer)定语从句修饰societies use (谓语)more energy(宾语)整体由because引导的一个原因状语从句<...


1.the real truth(主语) is(系动词) that we do not know enough to relieve global warming(表语)表语从句
2.because societies(主语 )(that grow richer)定语从句修饰societies use (谓语)more energy(宾语)整体由because引导的一个原因状语从句
3.the designers (主语)(who undertake green fashion)(定语从句修饰)designers ( still )状语face( 谓语)many challenges(宾语)
4.she (主语)will also have (谓语)millions of fans (宾语)who usually have little interest in the first lady定语从句修饰宾语
there is an apple.它的主语是an apple 倒过来就是an apple is there
6.a prosperity 主语(that had never been seen)定语从句修饰主语 appears 谓语(in the countryside)地点状语表示状态


1. 这不是一个定语从句,而是that引导的一个一个宾语从句。
2. societies是句中的引导词,that作定语从句的主语,代societies,grow作谓语,richer作宾语。
3. the designers是句中的引导词,who作定语从句的主语,代the designers, undertake 作谓语,green fashion作宾语。
4. fans是句...


1. 这不是一个定语从句,而是that引导的一个一个宾语从句。
2. societies是句中的引导词,that作定语从句的主语,代societies,grow作谓语,richer作宾语。
3. the designers是句中的引导词,who作定语从句的主语,代the designers, undertake 作谓语,green fashion作宾语。
4. fans是句中的引导词,who作定语从句的主语,代 fans,have作谓语, little interest 作宾语,in the first lady作状语,usually是程度状语。
5. nothing是引导词,that作主语,代nothing,can prevent作谓语,him是宾语,prevent from是固定词组,doing it 作from的宾语。
6. prosperity是引导词,that做主语,代prosperity,had been seen做谓语,appears做宾语,in the countryside做地点状语,Never是程度副词。

4. fans 是句中的引导词,who 作定语从句的主语,代 fans ,have作谓语,


比如 the man is my father
你可以用 the man is my father who is playing basketball there 正在那边打篮球的那个人是我的爸爸
定语从句的构造简单的说就是 主句 + 先行词 + 从句


比如 the man is my father
你可以用 the man is my father who is playing basketball there 正在那边打篮球的那个人是我的爸爸
定语从句的构造简单的说就是 主句 + 先行词 + 从句
先行词在初中主要就是 that who where when which 注意区分 that 和 where


定语从句的问题请帮我划分一下这些定语从句的成分,主谓宾,以及先行词等,要详细一点,1.the real truth is that we do not know enough to relieve global warming2.because societies that grow richer use more energy3.the desig 麻烦帮我做一下定语从句的题, 谁帮我讲解一下定语从句和宾语从句 请帮我解释一下这些与学英语有关的词语,什么是定语?什么叫表语?什么叫宾语?什么是谓语?什么是定语从句?什么是宾语从句?还有其他的一些这种词语也给我说一下, 举例说明定语从句和同谓语从句的功能请用英语回答我的问题, 定语从句的概念我想学一下定语从句 帮分析这些定语从句的成分 帮分析这些定语从句 从句里从句里的成分 即 主谓宾/表.等等 一旦是被动的我就不会划分成分了 1.There are several reasons why we cannot do that .why we cannot do that .2.Kunming is 定语从句例句+其中主句的主谓宾分划!不用解释句子,直接给10个定语从句的例句就OK拉,然后就是帮我把定语从句里面的主句划分主谓宾. 请用定语从句. 帮我总结下定语从句语法 帮我造10个定语从句 谁帮我讲讲定语从句 帮分析这些定语从句的成分 帮分析这些定语从句 从句里的成分 即 主谓宾/表.一旦是被动的我就不会划分成分了1.There are several reasons why we cannot do that .why we cannot do that .2.Kunming is a city where flo 谁给我介绍一下定语从句 请举例说明一下定语从句、表语从句、、谢谢 谁能帮我讲一下定语从句 我一直分不清定语从句与宾语从句 现在分词作定语的问题请给我几个现在分词作定语,后接宾语从句的句子. 定语从句,快交交我