翻译 中译英 今晚之前回答出来还可加50分.胡萝卜 又称黄萝卜,是一种营养丰富、老幼皆宜的好菜蔬,誉称“小人参”. 经常食用胡萝卜,对身体有很多好处:一是增强免疫力.二是美容、健身. 2

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 04:20:19

翻译 中译英 今晚之前回答出来还可加50分.胡萝卜 又称黄萝卜,是一种营养丰富、老幼皆宜的好菜蔬,誉称“小人参”. 经常食用胡萝卜,对身体有很多好处:一是增强免疫力.二是美容、健身. 2
翻译 中译英 今晚之前回答出来还可加50分
又称黄萝卜,是一种营养丰富、老幼皆宜的好菜蔬,誉称“小人参”. 经常食用胡萝卜,对身体有很多好处:一是增强免疫力.二是美容、健身.

翻译 中译英 今晚之前回答出来还可加50分.胡萝卜 又称黄萝卜,是一种营养丰富、老幼皆宜的好菜蔬,誉称“小人参”. 经常食用胡萝卜,对身体有很多好处:一是增强免疫力.二是美容、健身. 2
Say again carrots,is a kind of nutrition is rich,the good old vegetation,as "little ginseng".Often eat carrots,to the body has many advantages:one is to enhance immunity.2 is beauty and fitness.
In food shortages,the pumpkin once when the meal,but today the well-off society,why are so qiao pumpkin?There are three reasons:one is the pumpkin sweet,Second is the pumpkin contains rich vitamin A,the third is that modern medicine,pumpkin contains trace elements,zinc,copper and cobalt pectin,etc,can promote human insulin secretion of normal
3 balsam pear
Balsam pear nutrition health features are:first,it contains many vitamin C,vitamin B1 and alkaloid,Secondly,it is the galacturonic acid containing pectin and also more bitter.Is hard,but when edible bitter taste sweet,not greasy sexual cool in summer,feel relaxed and comfortable,eat your heart.
4 tomatoes
Tomato fruit contains is very rich in protein,fattiness,carbohydrate,line acid,carotene,vitamin B1,B2,C,etc,it also contains promoting growth of the teenagers of calcium,phosphorus,iron and other minerals,and inhibiting bacterial growth of tomato,tomato.Scientists have found in also contain a cancer,anti-ageing substance -- glutathione.
Garlic contains abundant nutrients due to a variety of active substances,and so it's health and nutrition,the function of preventing and treating diseases.
6 black fungus
Black fungus and ear shape,is our products exported all over the world,and in the world.It not only crispness and tender delicious and nutritious food,and for medicine,but the meal can be nourishing meat.
Lack of sleep harm
1 the creative thinking affects the brain
2 affect adolescent growth
Affect the healthy skin
4 cause disease
From the perspective of sports medicine,evening.Running As long as mastering athletic intensity,still can make people running night sleep better.
Slight just rest.Fatigue
The physiological aspect is that sports can prevent disease,improve the body's resistance,such as doing aerobic exercise,The possibility of injury prevention,such as exercising igorously stretch before,it can reduce the chance of injury...The psychological aspect is that sports can change of personal image,enhance personal self-confidence,Build relationships,different activities,contact with different people,it can also be a way of creating relationships,Get fulfillment,

Also called yellow turnip, is a nutritious, good for all ages vegetables, Yu said the "small ginseng." Regular consumption of carrots, the body has many advantages: First, strengthening t...


Also called yellow turnip, is a nutritious, good for all ages vegetables, Yu said the "small ginseng." Regular consumption of carrots, the body has many advantages: First, strengthening the immune system. Second, beauty, fitness.
2. Pumpkin
In an era of food shortages, pumpkin had to show their talents as rice, but today the well-off society, why pumpkin is also so smart it? There are three reasons: first, sweet and delicious pumpkin; Second, pumpkin contains abundant vitamin A, three of modern medicine found that pumpkin contains trace elements cobalt, zinc, copper and pectin, can promote the body's normal insulin secretion
3. Charantia
Bitter melon nutrition and health characteristics: First, it contains more vitamin C, vitamin B1, and alkaloids; Secondly, contain galacturonic acid and pectin is greater. Bitter melon has a bitter, bitter taste of cool, but when eating, tasty not greasy, food preparation in the summer, feel refreshed and comfortable, with a pure heart appetizer effect.
4. Tomato
Tomato fruit contain very rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, Jiong acid, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, etc. It also contains the promotion of growth and development of young people of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, and inhibition of bacterial growth tomato pigment. Scientists have discovered that tomatoes also contain an anti-cancer, anti-aging substances - glutathione.
5. Garlic
Because garlic is rich in nutrients and a variety of active substances, so it's nutrition and health, disease prevention and control features strong.
6. Black fungus
Black fungus named after the shape of the ear, is a Chinese specialty, export all over the world, renowned internationally. It is not only crisp and refreshing, Huanen delicious, nutritious, but also edible, can be medicine, could be prime in the dirty nourishing.
Against big sleep
1. Affect the brain's creative thinking
2. Affect the growth and development of young people
3. Affect the health of the skin
4. Cause disease
From the perspective of sports medicine, running at more scientific. As long as the master of exercise, running at night will make people sleep better.
Mild fatigue just breaks
Is that physical exercise can prevent disease, improve the body's immunity, such as doing aerobic exercise; the possibility of injury prevention, such as strenuous exercise before stretching, can reduce the chance of injury psychological ...... say that they exercise can change the individual's image, enhance their self-confidence; build relationships, carry out different activities, different kinds of people, which may be regarded as means to establish relationships; get a sense of
