我对10年4级英语作文自己写了一篇,希望能给批改一下,4级考的话能得多少分How should parents help children to be independent‘The less,the more valuable.’ Said by an giant person.The parents have to get just one child rece

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 13:36:22

我对10年4级英语作文自己写了一篇,希望能给批改一下,4级考的话能得多少分How should parents help children to be independent‘The less,the more valuable.’ Said by an giant person.The parents have to get just one child rece
How should parents help children to be independent
‘The less,the more valuable.’ Said by an giant person.The parents have to get just one child recently.This leads that parents do any thing for the children instead of doing by children themselves.For fear of their children suffering from any pain,the parents don’t give them the independence which the children shall have.As is known to all,some genius students have incredible success in study,but fail in daily life.The meal they have is cooked by their parents.The clothes they wear are washed by their parents,too.We ask,how can they live in the world on their own?
The parents such as these,in my opinion,shall change their way of teaching.More independence shall be given to the children.Living,learning and working individually are necessary.Without these,how can we grow up to adults?

我对10年4级英语作文自己写了一篇,希望能给批改一下,4级考的话能得多少分How should parents help children to be independent‘The less,the more valuable.’ Said by an giant person.The parents have to get just one child rece
你可以上句酷批改网 上面会给你详细的批改的

挑几处错误an giant 语法错误;This leads that parents 愿意 do every thing for their children。As is known to us; in studying; by their parents, too。

我对10年4级英语作文自己写了一篇,希望能给批改一下,4级考的话能得多少分How should parents help children to be independent‘The less,the more valuable.’ Said by an giant person.The parents have to get just one child rece 求一篇家给了我希望的作文自己写 今天用.只是参考 一篇介绍自己特长的英语作文希望4:00 之前写出来! 求《我的初中老师》作文一篇.800字左右,希望能是自己写的,求一篇作文《我的初中老师》字数800左右就行了,希望能是自己写的,我在这先谢谢了! 我(18岁女)写了一篇作文,表达对现实自己不满 希望更好 主人公是想象当中的完美的自己,叫明月.能否帮我起一个有诗意又体现主题的名字 我为自己点个赞作文怎么写(我希望现写一篇) 用英语写一篇介绍自己的作文要求:(姓名,家庭成员,爱好)、自己的英语学习基本情况,有无兴趣.希望自己英语达到什么水平.还有对高中老师的希望和要求.我叫刘亮,今年15岁.我的家人有爸 求写一篇英语作文,120字左右,英语翻译大致意思是“我将要高考了,我想努力考个好大学,但是我不明白老师上课所说的,我已经告诉自己要很努力了,我对自己没信心” 麻烦写一篇英语作文,初中水平就够了,关于自己梦想的职业,希望帮忙写一篇围绕singer这个职业写的英语作文五六十字就够了 《我重新认识了自己》 一篇英语作文300词 求一篇英语作文,题目给妈妈的一封信.要求150字左右.你在外地上学,写你对她的爱,希望她照顾好自己. 秋天里什么景色会让人对生活充满希望拜托各位了 3Q我要写一篇作文,要写到秋天是充满希望的,谢谢了 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文,内容是:李华是我的朋友,简单介绍一下我对他的评价,词数在100词左右.很急的,希望大家能帮助我,谢谢了. 写一篇英语作文:机器人的好处和坏处字数随便,只要是有一篇的英语作文就行了好了,这个问题我自己已经找到了, 求一篇英语作文What We Cannot Afford to Lose 要求不是从别的地方找的 ,要自己写的!希望尽快啊不好意思,我忘了个要求,字数400字以上…… 一篇写自己怎么上学英语作文 写一篇英语作文,介绍自己? My summer vacation 帮我写一篇英语作文,就是积极向上一点最后希望可以写即将到来的初中生活,自己要努力,最好是过去式,然后就是写自己去哪些景点玩了.60-80字,不要有语法错误,重点地方希望你