英语翻译这句话的下一句是:and you will run into a big grocery store.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:03:28

英语翻译这句话的下一句是:and you will run into a big grocery store.
这句话的下一句是:and you will run into a big grocery store.

英语翻译这句话的下一句是:and you will run into a big grocery store.
You take all the way in and you will run into a big grocery store.
也可以说:Take all the way in and you will run into a big grocery store.




英语翻译这句话的下一句是:and you will run into a big grocery store. 英语翻译If you are trapped by a boring person and need to escape,you can use this sentence to cut the encounter short.这句话的意思 英语翻译帮忙翻译Appreciate her,and appreciate what you have.这句话 英语翻译did you find the process interesting and challenging?这两句话咋翻译? 英语翻译I will always love you in the world,now,still,lasting and forever!翻译下这句话!要权威点!懂的来,跪谢 Love what you choose,and choose what you love~这句话的中文是什么意思 英语翻译you were you are and you will be my best love这句话翻译成 无论过去现在将来你都是我的最爱 有什么语法错误吗? 英语翻译lf you never adandom I willin life and death 就是这句话 可以答完后马上给分. 英语翻译语法要正确.网上翻译的这句话是错误的 .把他改正确也可以.You smile once and I can be happy several days .Can see you cry once,I am sad quite a few years 英语翻译翻译这句话的意思:Do you remember supermarket?Can you tell the difference between market and supermarket?回答正确,必有重赏!用英文再回答一下 英语翻译thanks you you you and you! 英语翻译You are going to UK and I do hate to say goodbye to you.I always loved you and am still loving you.My love has never changed.这句话怎么翻译,另外语法有错误吗 英语翻译这整句话又如何翻译?Having five-hour layovers then costs you business and you start to have more peaked flight schedules.大师们,摆脱了! 英语翻译1.You say it best when you say nothing at all.这句话怎么翻译?2.But movies like Jaws and Superman and Indiana Jones have some of the best action movie soundtracks of all time.这句话怎么翻译?“all time 指的什么?3.the bes You and i这句话有没语法错误you and i这句话很多人说有语法错误但我认为是正确的 有首英语歌曲的歌词也有you and i请问这句到底有没有错误 don't you let my friend and i help you 句子正误探讨don't you let my friend and i help you 这句话是不是错的啊?是my fiend and i 还是my friend and me I'm your honey.And you're my darling这句话是什么意思知道的说下, choose the word you hear and tick it这句话的中文意思