in 和with的区别,结合我给的句子讲,再讲难分的 looks much younger----his jacket. 用inthe boy -----yellow sports shirt is my brother.用withHe came here ---a red shirt. 用with .i would like a cup of coffee ----some sugar and m

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 03:30:50

in 和with的区别,结合我给的句子讲,再讲难分的 looks much younger----his jacket. 用inthe boy -----yellow sports shirt is my brother.用withHe came here ---a red shirt. 用with .i would like a cup of coffee ----some sugar and m
in 和with的区别,
结合我给的句子讲,再讲难分的 looks much younger----his jacket. 用inthe boy -----yellow sports shirt is my brother.用withHe came here ---a red shirt. 用with .i would like a cup of coffee ----some sugar and milk.用with好难区分啊列举了用法再帮我解释吧

in 和with的区别,结合我给的句子讲,再讲难分的 looks much younger----his jacket. 用inthe boy -----yellow sports shirt is my brother.用withHe came here ---a red shirt. 用with .i would like a cup of coffee ----some sugar and m
in 表示“用(某材料,原料或语言)”
write in ink用墨水写
say it in English用英语说
write with a pen用钢笔写
see with eyes用眼睛看

【辨析一】wear 意为“穿着(制服、牛仔裤、鞋子等);戴着(帽子、眼镜等);围着(围巾等)”;
wear后跟表示“衣服”的名词时,相当于(be) in。= She is always in a red dress and white shoes.
【辨析二】当句中已有一个动词时,表示“穿着某种衣服”要用in(in+(a/an)+颜色+(衣服)),不能用wear, with;


【辨析一】wear 意为“穿着(制服、牛仔裤、鞋子等);戴着(帽子、眼镜等);围着(围巾等)”;
wear后跟表示“衣服”的名词时,相当于(be) in。= She is always in a red dress and white shoes.
【辨析二】当句中已有一个动词时,表示“穿着某种衣服”要用in(in+(a/an)+颜色+(衣服)),不能用wear, with;
【辨析三】当句中已有一个动词时,表示“戴着/有着某种物品”要用with,不能用wear, in;
练:(1) The tall boy __________ (穿着) a black T-shirt and __________ (戴着) a pair of sunglasses.
(2) Do you know the tall boy ____________ (穿着) a black T-shirt?
(3) Do you know the tall boy ____________ (戴着) a pair of sunglasses?
(4) Next to the hotel is a small house __________ (有着) an interesting garden.


in 和with的区别,结合我给的句子讲,再讲难分的 looks much younger----his jacket. 用inthe boy -----yellow sports shirt is my brother.用withHe came here ---a red shirt. 用with .i would like a cup of coffee ----some sugar and m 谁给我讲下film 和 movie的区别 with和and的区别?因为是给五年级的学生讲的, be in agreement with和be in agreement on 的区别我有以下两个句子撒看看对不对I am in agreement with the idea about the sports.I am in agreement with these assentor of …….还有就是be in agreement on是怎么搭配的 给个例 in tears和with tears的区别She was all ______ tears.用“in”还是用“with”呢?为什么?请多给我几个例句作参考, 弹力与反作用力的区别我要的是区别,少给我一大群概念.那结合概念讲吧…… 句子:open the door (with) a knife make kites (out of)wood这里的with .out of 有什么区别啊 .怎么用,讲清楚,再给几道例题和答案讲解 in 和with的用法区别 还有with 和 in 的区别 lie with 和 lie in 的区别 STRICT IN和STRICT WITH的区别 结合句子分析with的用法 with和for当因为讲的区别 请 给我讲一下一次函数和正比例函数的概念和区别.讲的通俗易懂就好 End up with 和End in用法上的区别?详解,请给多句例句 accord with 和 in accord with 的区别 then what 和so what 的区别是什么我看电子词典上写的翻译都是“那又怎样”这俩有什么区别?最好能结合例子讲一下 韵和韵母的区别是什么?给我讲解下吧