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The Glorious Revolution in England
Glorious Revolution of 1688光荣革命
Good foundation in economy.The limited monarchy which resulted from the Glorious Revolution of 1688 ensured that the powerful economic interests in the community could exert their influence over Government policy.
Gin was brought to England by the Dutch after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and started to became very popular after the government created a market for grain that was unfit to be used in brewing by allowing unlicensed gin production,whilst imposing a heavy duty on all imported spirits.As thousands of gin-shops sprang up all over England,brewers fought back by increasing the number of alehouses.By 1740 the production of gin had increased to six times that of beer and because of its cheapness it became extremely popular with the poor.Of the 15,000 drinking establishments in London over half were gin-shops.Beer maintained a healthy reputation as it was often safer to drink ale than water,but the drunkenness and resultant lawlessness created by gin,was seen to lead to ruination and degradation of the working classes (the distinction was illustrated by William Hogarth in his engravings Beer Street and Gin Lane).The 1736 Gin Act imposed high taxes on retailers but led to riots in the streets.The prohibitive duty was gradually reduced and finally abolished in 1742.The 1751 Gin Act however was more successful.It forced distillers to sell only to licensed retailers and brought gin-shops under the jurisdiction of local magistrates.