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  SAT 填空题是所有的SAT考试项目中相对比较难的一个,所以在备考的时候,大家一定要掌握一些关于SAT填空题的答题原则,尽量提高SAT填空题答题的效率。下面就为大家搜集整理了关于SAT填空题答题原则中的重复原则,供大家参考。

  SAT 填空题中所有的信息都会在阅读文章的原文中出现,所以这是大家答题的最重要的参考。在SAT填空题答题的过程中,掌握这个重复的方式就成为了大家找到SAT填空题答题要点的关键。


  例1: Aleksandra Solzhenitsyn’s proved keenest when he accurately predicted that his book would someday appear in his native Russia.

  (A)foresight (B)nostalgia (C) folly (D)despair (E)artistry

  例2: The new concert hall proved to be a : it was costly, acoustically unsatisfactory, and far too small.

  (A) colossus (B) milestone (C) debacle (D) consecration (E) fabrication




  SAT 填空题答题“点对点”例子

  例3: Castillo‘s poetry has generated only enthusiastic response: praise from the general public and from the major critics.

  (A) condemnation (B) sarcasm (C) plaudits (D) irony (E) pathos

  解: praise 对应 plaudits

  例4:The Earth’s oceans sustain a of marine creatures: an abundance that makes the seas teem with life and activity.

  (A) melee (B) profusion (C) configuration (D) symmetry (E) dimension

  解:abundance对应profusion 或者 teem with 对应profusion


  例5:The editor‘s comment was not intended as a critic but as a by which she sough further clarification

  (A) query (B) confession (C) dismissal (D) condemnation (E) credo

  解:“she sough further clarification by”对应 query

  例6:Perhaps the most visible sign of the nature of the Cherokee nation was the fact that the women who led each clan picSAT