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【紫铭留学网 - SAT】
SAT 2化学考试的题型不多,在最基本的SAT2化学题型中,多项选择题是考生比较头痛的一类。下面为大家介绍一些这个SAT2化学题型的相关信息,供大家参考和借鉴,希望对大家有所帮助。

  SAT 2化学基本题型之多项选择题(General multiple-choice question in Part C)

  这个SAT2化学题型通常为问题或者不完整表述,带有五个备选答案,你必须从中选出最佳答案。在有些题目中,要求选出不恰当的答案。这种问题包括大写的单词,例如NOT, LEAST, EXCEPT。



  Direction: Every question or incomplete statement below is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Choose the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on answer sheet.



  If the molar mass of NH 3 is 17g/mol, what is the density of this compound at STP?

  1. 0.25g/L  2. 0.76g/L  3. 1.25g/L  4. 3.04g/L  5. 9.11g/L

  The solution of this quantitative problem depends on the application of several principles. One principle is that the molar mass of a gas expressed in grams/mole will occupy 22.4L at standard temperature and pressure (STP). The other is that the density of a gas at STP is the mass of 1L of the gas. Therefore, 17g of ammonia (NH 3) will occupy 22..4L, and 1L is equal to 17g/22.4L or 0.76g/L. The correct answer is (B).

  如果(NH 3)的分子质量是17g/mol, 在标准状况下这种化合物的密度是多少?

  1. 0.25g/L  2. 0.76g/L  3. 1.25g/L  4. 3.04g/L  5. 9.11g/L

  这个定量问题的解决需要运用几个原理。其中之一是在标准状况下(STP)一摩尔气体所占的体积是22.4升。另一原理是在STP气体的密度为1L气体的质量。因此,1mol氨气的体积为22.4升,1L质量就是17/22.4 g或者0.76 g。正确答案为(B)。

  以上就是关于SAT 2化学基本题型中关于多项选择题的介绍,包括了对题目的组成和特点的解析,后面附有典型的例题。大家在备考SAT2化学考试的时候,可以对上面的信息进行适当的参考和练习。SAT